
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The aim of this dissertation is to analyze curriculum integration theories and reform experiences, investigate possible strategies to reduce student pressure correlated to actual situation in Macau,enhance overall student achievement and quality, review existing curriculum situations and subsequently improve existing educational conditions. The following findings were discovered through investigative questionnaires: .Teachers do not hold consistent views on existing curriculum problems in Macau. ·Teachers believe that curriculum integration will make teaching materials more diverse and enjoyable. ·Teachers consider excess workload as the main obstacles implementing curriculum integration. ·Teachers consider themselves able to communicate effectively with students. · Positive correlation existsbetween teachers’ attitudes towards effective curriculum integration and their self-evaluated ability levels of implementing curriculum integration. ·Positive correlation exists between teachers’effectiveness level and self-awareness on complicatedness of curriculum integration. · Divergence exists between secondary and primary teachers' effectiveness level of curriculum integration. · No significant divergence exists between secondary and primary teachers’self- awareness on complicatedness of curriculum integration. ·Teachers with professional degrees tend to have lower level of conscious towards difficulties facing curriculum integration. ·English teachers’views on the difficulties facing implementing curriculum integration differ significantly from Chinese language teachers, multiple subject teachers and teachers of other subject areas. ·Teachers do not hold consistent views on whether curriculum integration should be implemented. In summary, significant background differences among secondary and primary teachers in Macau led to varied and complicated views towards curriculum integration. Keyword: curriculum integration, integrated curriculum, teacher, Macau

Chinese Abstract

本研究嘗試利用課程統整的理論及改革經驗,探討如何配合現時本澳的實際情況去減輕學生的負擔,以提升學生學習效果和品質,及檢視現階段本澳的課程狀況,進而優化改善現時的教育成效。 根據調查問卷得到下列的主要發現: 教師對澳門現存的課程問題,並沒有明顯一致性的看法。 ▶教師認為實施課程統整最有助於使教材內容多樣化、活潑化. ▶教師認爲教學工作量過大會造成實施課程統整的執行困難。 ▶教師認爲自己最具備能與學生有效地溝通的能力. ▶教師對課程統整的效能水不與自我評估進行統整教學的勝任水不間存在著正相關。 ▶教師對自我評估進行統整教學的勝任水不與進行課程統整的困難意識水本間存在著正相關。 ▶任教中、小學階段的教師對課程統整的效能水不存在著差異。 ▶任教中、小學階段的教師對進行課程統整的困難意識水不未達顯著性差異。 ▶師範學歷背景的教師對進行課程統整的困難意識水不較低。 ▶任教英語科的教師對語文科、全科及其他學科的教師,在進行課程統整的困難意識水不存在著差異。 ▶教師對於應否實施課程統整教學的態度並無明顯一致性的看法。 整體而言,因本澳中小學教學人員背景不同,以致其對課程統整看法的差異各有不同且複雜,彼此之間的意見也較為分歧。 中文關鍵字:課程統整統整課程教師澳門

Issue date





Faculty of Education




Education -- Curricula -- Macau

教育 -- 課程 -- 澳門

Curriculum change -- Macau

課程改革 -- 澳門

Curriculum planning -- Macau

課程規劃 -- 澳門

High school teachers -- Macau

高中教師 -- 澳門

Elementary school teachers -- Macau

小學教師 -- 澳門


Wu, Guo Zhen

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