UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
嵇康"聲無哀樂論"研究 = The study of Ji-Kang's "On the Grieflessness and Joylessness of Music"
- English Abstract
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Following by the Spring and Autumn Period, Chinese Thoughts developed into another higher level in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. However, intelligentsias in the 20th century were highly enthralled by the metaphysics of Ruan-ji and Ji-kang. 'The Seven Wise Men of the Bamboo Grove' represented the Spirit of Humanism-'The Awaking of Human Nature'. After all, this actually refers to the 'Self-consciousness and Temperament' of the Wei and Jin's intelligentsias or nowadays people have quoted the western ideological system for this thinking. This essay try to use Ji-kang's theory of 'On the Grieflessness and Joylessness of Music' as an object of study, exploring the inner thought of Ji-kang which was the cote of Wei and Jin's ideology, building up a proper understanding in the history of Chinese thinking. Key terms: Ji-kang、Metaphysics of Wei and Jin、Confucianism、Taoism、On the Grieflessness and Joylessness of Music、Emotion、Ultimate Concordance、Self-consciousness and Temperament
- Chinese Abstract
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魏晉時期是繼春秋戰國後,中國思想發展的另一個高峰。但近代知識分子所極力推崇和景仰的,以阮籍、嵇康等“竹林七賢”為代表的人文精神——“人性覺醒”,究竟是魏晉士人的“自覺”,還是我們以西方思想體系去對號入座呢?本文企圖以嵇康的《聲無哀樂論》為研究對象,窺探魏晉思潮代表人物——嵇康的内心思想,為魏晉思潮在中國思想史上的地位找一個應有的定位。 關鍵字:嵇康、魏晉玄學、儒家、道家、聲無哀樂論、情感、至和、自覺
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Chinese Language and Literature (former name: Department of Chinese)
- Degree
- Subject
Chi, Kang, -- 223-262. -- Sheng wu ai yue lun
嵇康, -- 223-262. -- 聲無哀樂論
Chi, Kang, -- 223-262 -- Criticism and interpretation
嵇康, -- 223-262 -- 評論及解釋
Music -- China -- History and criticism
音樂 -- 中國 -- 歷史及評論
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000140579706306