
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Drug abuse in Macao : from social control and social learning perspectives

English Abstract

The aim of this study is to identify the parental attachment component of social control theory and peer influence of social learning theory. The present study explores the relationship between family influence, peer influence, and drug abuse, and explains what can be the possible reasons behind adolescent drug use. The risk factors include personal characteristics, peer influence, parental influence and the linkage between drug use and crime. The results support the ground of social control theory and social learning theory. This study also finds that the relationship between parents and peers plays an important role. Through the findings, the result will show the major factors which are significant in contributing to drug abuse and what can lead abusers to discontinue drug use in Macao. Besides, the findings will show the relationship between drug use and crime, and the effectiveness of the current anti-drug program in Macao is briefly discussed, based on opinions collected from the interviewees. Finally, the thesis will highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the Macao anti-drug programs and suggest an innovative idea to improve the social bonding and learning in Macao.

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Pang, Peng Teng

Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Sociology



Drug abuse -- Macau

Drug abuse -- Social aspects -- Macau

Drug abuse and crime -- Macau

Drug control -- Macau

Youth -- Drug abuse -- Macau


Zhao, Ruo Hui

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