UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
- English Abstract
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Teaching students via games activities was a common pedagogical method in physical activities. Since the introduction of Teaching Games for Understanding in 1980s, there was a wide adoption of games lesson in invasion games. Nevertheless, studies on individual games especially on those with high expectation on the masterly of personal skills such as swimming and athletic activities were rare. This thesis reported the research result in teaching swimming by group games and in relation to lesson taught by traditional skill mode. The purpose was to investigate the cognitive and affection development of students under the group learning situation. This study recorded the effectiveness of games teaching in the cognitive development and attitudes in swimming between male and female students aged from 8 to 12 years old. 30 students from Shenzhen were invited to participate in this observation. They were randomly allocated in the experimental and control group with 15 students per class. The students then participated in a swimming class of 14 lessons in 5 weeks with same teaching content but with different pedagogical situation. Quasi-experimental method was adopted. Descriptive statistics, Paired-Samples t Test, Independent-Sample t Test and Pearson Correlation were used for analysis. At the end of the report, proposals were recommended to improve the learning of swimming through group games situation. The followings captured some of the main conclusions of this study: 1. It was observed that both students from experimental and control group had experimental significant different on their cognitive and affective learning after 14 lessons swimming lessons when compared with their pro- and pretest results. 2. No significant difference was found between the male and female students from the control group in cognitive and affective development at the pro and pretest in the swimming lesson. 3. There was significant different in the skill learning, teacher accessment and student self evaluation. 4. No difference was found on male and female students from the experimental group in which their cognitive learning remained stable at the pro and pretest. Whereas difference was found on the affective development between the pro and pretest. iv 5. When making cross comparison between the male and female students of the experimental and control group, students found no difference in the cognitive and affective development. When making individual comparative analysis in individual items, the male and female students at the experimental group found with differences in cognitive development but no differences exist in the affective learning. 6. There was no significant different in cognitive development of male and female control group, male control group and experimental group,and female control group and experimental group. But there was significant different in cognitive development of male and female experimental group. 7. Male and female students found no differences among the affective learning of students . But in control group,there was significant different in the affective learning. 8. The male and female students in control and experimental group were found without different in objective learning skill.
- Chinese Abstract
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體育活動中,通過遊戲進行教學是一種常見的教授方式。 2 0 世 紀 8 0 年度, 自從遊戲教學的引入,在很多教學領域都被廣 泛 的 採 用 。然 而 有 關 遊 戲 的 研 究 ,特別是在水上活動方面 , 如 游 泳運動等卻很少被研究。 本 研 究主要 比較傳統技能與 遊戲化教 學融入 游泳教學中,對學生學習成效的影響 。 並 探討其對小學 8 - 1 2 歲男女學生在 學習成效中是否存在性別差異 。 以本研究採 用準實驗法,以廣東省深圳市某區隨機挑選 3 0 名學生為研究對 象,進行五週 1 4 節課的游泳實驗教學。并採用描述性統計、相 依樣本 t 檢驗、獨立樣本 t 檢驗和皮爾森相關分析等統計方法。 得出以下結果: 一 . 對照組游泳教學中,學生在認知發展、情意態度中前 、 後 測成績存在 顯 著 差 異 ; 在 實驗組 游泳教學中,在認知發展、情 意態度前 、 後測成績存在 顯 著 差異。 二.兩種不同教學模式中,學生在認知發展、情意態度、客觀 技能,皆無顯著差異。 三 .兩種不同教學模式中之 主觀性技能 ,老師評量與學生自評, 存在顯著差異。 四 .在傳統技能教學模式的實驗教學後,男女生在認知發展、 情意態度、客觀技能,皆無顯著性別差異。 五 . 在 實驗組的 實驗教學後,男女生在認知發展、客觀 性 技 能 中,無顯著差異, 而 在情意態度中,存在顯著 性 別 差異。 六 .在不同教學模式中,男女生在對照組之認知發展、男生在 對照組與實驗組之認知發展及女生在對照組與實驗組之認知發 展中, 無 顯著差異, 而 男女生在實驗組之認知發展中 存 在 顯 著 差異。 ii 七 .男女生在不同教學模式中,男女生在實驗組之情意態度、 男生在對照組與實驗組 之情意態度及女生在對照組與實驗組之 情意態度中 ,無 顯 著 差 異,而 在男女生在對照組之情意態度中, 存 在 顯著差異。 八 .男女生在不同教學模式之客觀技能中, 男女生在對照組之 客觀技能 、 男女在實驗組之客觀技能 、 男生在對照組與實驗組 之客觀技能 及 女生在對照組與實驗組之客觀技能,皆 無顯著差 異 。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Swimming for children -- Study and teaching
兒童游泳 -- 學習及教學
Educational tests and measurements -- Case studies
教育測試與評量 -- 個案研究
- Supervisor
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991007466489706306