
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

This research investigates how a teacher applies of knowing-doing-thinking cycle to a class which integrates picture books to it, Thematic Teaching Approach. Raw data is collected by class-recordings, literary sketches, field diaries, and documentation collections for one semester. The research in this paper includes what the class will reveal what the initial-teaching strategies, the problems are and how the problems are solved with using picture books while teaching by the Thematic Approach. The main findings and the conclusions of this study on the research subject are as follows: 1. Teaching 4 themes by using 20 books as well as 20 activities; also, by using “The Six Ws” through out the class, eventually we can raise up children's motivation to explore the story by themselves and to think what the main point is. In addition, children will become enthusiastically express their ideas both by verbal and in a written way, ask questions in class and extend the knowledge in their life. 2. for teaching: Before the teaching (Initial teaching strategy): choose some appropriate picture books according to the theme of kindergarten, design the concept activity map, remember the context; during class-progress: read the title of picture book, ask questions in order to stimulate children motivation, use body gesture/language and tell story vividly, ask questions with the first and second level of “The Six Ws”, organize the whole teaching activity and a teaching: discuss the teaching issues with consultants(could be a teaching-expert, a IV colleague or a qualified-teacher), reflect upon the retrospection of teaching diary to improve the teaching skill. 3. Base on reading the front cover, asking questions, materials of story-telling concluding the context with “The Six Ws” questions and therefore further to the extended-activity. According improve the children participation, language skill and knowledge. 4. Problems encountered during the investigation: how to choose a picture book which children will be interested in? How to design the concept activity map with children? How to arrange the seats? Finally, I let my class to choose the picture books by themselves and design the concept activity map through all of units, and use flexible seats setting during the activity. Moreover in the teaching, how to design the questions which every child understands? How to combine the knowledge with children’s experience? How to build up reading habits? Finally I design various questions with different levels to fit the whole class, and let children substitute the roles in the story, and putting the picture book inside to the reading corner after teaching.

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在探討一位教師透過知、行、思行動研究方式實施繪本運用於澳 門主題堂教學的歷程,研究者以教學錄音記錄、現場速記、省思日誌和文件資 料等方式蒐集為期一學期的資料,當中以探討幼稚園低班將繪本融於主題堂中 之整體教學樣貌、初擬教學策略以及遭遇困難與因應策略為何? 一、 繪本融入主題課教與學之樣貌:歷經四個主題課程,共 20 本繪本、20 個 延伸活動。現對教學實況與幼兒學習情況兩方面說明,首先在繪本融入中及總 結故事中皆加入提問技巧,以引發幼兒對繪本之探索興趣、思考繪本重點。另 外,幼兒的學習情況從被動安靜變成爭先表達想法、從不知如何啟動閱讀程序 變成文字記錄、從封閉式答案變成主動提問、從單向接受知識變成延伸知識。 二、 繪本融於主題課中之初擬教學策略:教學前-根據園所選定主題、大量閱 繪本、依發展啟發與主題契合性選繪本、與幼兒共同繪製網絡活動圖、熟讀繪 本內容、準備教學資源及視綫無礙場地、熟悉繪本情境內容;教學中-讀繪本 封面標題、提問等方式引起動機、以肢體語言及媒材生動地說故事、六何方式 結合層次一、二進行提問互動與總結、統整各領域的教學活動、課室中設置閱 讀角;教學後-諍友討論教學、自身對教學、以改善教學。 三、 繪本融於主題堂中之遭遇困難與因應策略:分別從教學前和教學中所遭 遇困難及因應策略兩方面說明。首先如何得知全班幼兒所興趣的繪本?如何與 幼兒共同編製網絡活動圖?我採行因應策略為讓幼兒自行挑選繪本及教師自編 網絡活動圖;因應教學中幼兒層次不同形成提問困難,幼兒回答問題或思考層 次有待提昇,擬持續提昇幼兒回答問題或思考層次及幼兒難以建立閱讀習慣的 問題。我採用之策略為針對不同幼兒設計高與低層次提問,按幼兒反應適度提 高高層次問題之數量;總結提問增加 3-4 題層次三的提問數量讓幼兒代入角色 思考、分析內容;把教師使用繪本置於閱讀角並鼓勵幼兒借閱。

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Faculty of Education




Early childhood education -- Activity programs -- Macau

幼兒教育 (嬰兒至初級小學) -- 活動課程 -- 澳門

Kindergarten -- Activity programs -- Macau

幼稚園 -- 活動課程 -- 澳門

Picture books for children -- Educational aspects -- Macau

兒童圖畫書 -- 教育方面 -- 澳門

Picture books for children -- Study and teaching (Preschool) -- Macau

兒童圖畫書 -- 學習及教學 (學前) -- 澳門



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