There are more than 100 ancient documents, including contracts and documents from the Ming and Qing Dynasties to the Republic of China, including various land and house sales contracts during the reign of the monarchs of China from the Ming Wanli to the Qing Xuantong and the Republic of China. A piece of a contract of selling oneself deeds, various types of official documents, news of victory, test papers and maps during the Guangxu period were published.
There are more than 100 ancient documents, including contracts and documents from the Ming and Qing Dynasties to the Republic of China, including various land and house sales contracts during the reign of the monarchs of China from the Ming Wanli to the Qing Xuantong and the Republic of China. A piece of a contract of selling oneself deeds, various types of official documents, news of victory, test papers and maps during the Guangxu period were published.
Title | Author | Year arrow_drop_down | Type |
民國(年份不詳)給潘慎珊、潘光炳買契執照 |
不詳 | 不詳 | 公文書 |
民國南海縣佛山稅騐契局給邒康法堂契據封 |
南海縣佛山稅騐契局 | 不詳 | 其他 |
光緒年廣州府南海縣令騐處頒賣主推照 |
廣州府南海縣令騐處 | 不詳 | 其他 |
收蚊蟲符咒與放蚊咒 |
不詳 | 不詳 | 其他 |
趙業富戶、趙儲關稅數列表 |
趙業富、趙儲關 | 不詳 | 其他 |
大涌鎮內外平面圖 |
不詳 | 不詳 | 地圖 |
陳賦于乾柬 |
陳賦于 | 不詳 | 其他 |
1950年6月6日代管岐關南路公司管理委員會致張儉法堂函 |
代管岐關南路公司管理委員會 | 1950 | 私文書 |
民國33年買受書 |
不詳 | 1944 | 買賣契 |
民國28年1月30日為夫分妥照織 |
不詳 | 1939 | 地圖 |
Showing 1 to 10 of 105 results