There are more than 100 ancient documents, including contracts and documents from the Ming and Qing Dynasties to the Republic of China, including various land and house sales contracts during the reign of the monarchs of China from the Ming Wanli to the Qing Xuantong and the Republic of China. A piece of a contract of selling oneself deeds, various types of official documents, news of victory, test papers and maps during the Guangxu period were published.
There are more than 100 ancient documents, including contracts and documents from the Ming and Qing Dynasties to the Republic of China, including various land and house sales contracts during the reign of the monarchs of China from the Ming Wanli to the Qing Xuantong and the Republic of China. A piece of a contract of selling oneself deeds, various types of official documents, news of victory, test papers and maps during the Guangxu period were published.
Title arrow_drop_up | Author | Year | Type |
民國27年8月21日廣東省財政廳給土地燈會驗契證據 |
廣東省財政廳 | 1938 | 公文書 |
民國27年9月16日廣東省政府財政廳給張文崧堂土地所有權狀 |
廣東省政府財政廳 | 1938 | 公文書 |
民國8年10月7日京師警察廳給孫益齊建築執照 |
京師警察廳 | 1919 | 公文書 |
民國念弍(廿弍)年6月16日中山縣政府土地局給鄭和興社登記確定證 |
中山縣政府土地局 | 1933 | 公文書 |
光緒15年5月18日戶部給陳新養、陳世昌戶部沙田執照 |
戶部 | 1889 | 公文書 |
光緒26年2月江蘇巡撫部給胡良奎捐監生正實收 |
江蘇巡撫部 | 1900 | 公文書 |
同治7年11月23日戶部給胡桂芬捐監生戶部執照 |
戶部 | 1868 | 公文書 |
道光22年5月19日戶部給監生吳茂芹捐縣丞戶部執照 |
戶部 | 1842 | 公文書 |
道光26年10月12日廣東督糧道給佃戶胡維禮、易冬榮憲照 |
廣東督糧道 | 1846 | 公文書 |
道光26年10月12日廣東督糧道給佃戶潘復盛、易秋實憲照 |
廣東督糧道 | 1846 | 公文書 |
Showing 31 to 40 of 41 results