
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Numerical study on nonlinear behaviour for masonry material and safty assessment of historic masonry structures

English Abstract

Interested of structural masonry analysis for mechanical behaviour with the accurate, robust, reliable numerical tools have been called in this study. As the demand at obtaining the characterization of the material behaviour for the applications of such tools, the values of the experiments under compression of units, mortar, and small masonry sample have been adopted, refer to Wang et al. (2016). With a compromising between the homogenization techniques and testing results, a completed description involving compression hardening and tension stiffness of masonry behaviour has been applied for the numerical simulations. In this study, the applicability of numerical technique with Concrete-Damaged Plasticity model of commercial software Abaqus for masonry structures’ analysis has been investigated. The developed model which simulated in continuum elements is capable of reproducing the loading path entirely as with that in the full-scale diagonal compression experiment conducted by Wang et al. (2016). To validate the reliability and the capability of the present model to trace the structural behaviour of masonry in differ types, the computed results are compared with the literally values available in Cabriele Milani (2011)and Mohanmmad Bolhassani (2015) and they are in a good agreement, which means the developed model in present study can be offered to vary masonry engineering practice. For the simulations have been implemented under displacement controlled in this study, they perfectly captured the fully loading paths ranging from the elastic regime to the inelastic regime until the total degradation of the strength of the structures. The modellings showed the capacity of external loads and allowed to get insight the fracture behaviour of the structural masonry, mostly, the collapsed of the structures were due to tensile failure, but compression failure was also relevant. With the application of the reliable model to engineering practice, the simulations with the external horizontal loads and wind loads were efficient to detect the vulnerable zone of the structures, the modeling examples have been carried out in the typical historic building in Macau, such information can be provided as suggestion for preserving historic heritage structures from collapsed and reinforcing process.

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Tan, Jie Ling


Faculty of Science and Technology


Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering






Lam, Chi Chiu

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