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P2P 網絡借貸糾紛在綫仲裁解決機制研究 = Research on online arbitrations for the P2P lending disputes

English Abstract

Research on Online Arbitrations for theP2P Lending Disputes Abstract The platform of P2P lending is a platform which aims to redeem the trade online between the lenders and the borrowers. It can be treated as an intermediary who offers the services such as credit rating, exchanging information, building connection between lenders and borrowers, etc. In all, it is not a funding party as well as debtors who bear the creditors rights. Since the first Chinese platform of P2P lending was conducted in2007, such kinds of platforms have greatly developed. With the calling upon of the policy of internet finance, numbers and the amount of trading of P2P lending platform have increased rapidly since 2013. Meanwhile, problems such as defraudations, spurred bank runs as well as waves of bankruptcy also come along with the development of the P2P lending platform. The increasing disputes between lenders and borrowers and guarantees have caused a great amount of industrial risks to this kind of business. Moreover, it is worth concerning that the Chinese traditional procedural laws as well as alternative dispute resolution mechanism cannot fit the needs since their disadvantages, such as lacking of judgmental professionalism, low efficiency of judging, lacking of judgmental flexibility, are obvious. On one hand, the alternative dispute resolution mechanism is not well enough as it tends to more personal without any coerciveness or professional quality which make this mechanism hard to give a clear judgement which feeds the party ’s demands of compensations. On the other hand, the traditional procedural laws which focus on the online debt-credit dispute are incomplete since the arbitration fees have been too high for the cases which involve small amount of money. Under these circumstances, the online arbitrations are lower cost and high-efficiency as they naturally fit such kinds of debt-credit disputes, overcomes the geographical restrictions. The online arbitrations can contribute a lot while handling the creditors ’ rights and performs in these special high-risk industries such as online lending. The online arbitrations can greatly decrease the cost of online debt-credit disputes and help to realize the principle of autonomy of will. Moreover, they can also advance the harmonious development of financial trades and complete the lawsuit system as well as save the judicial resources. Applying the online arbitrations into the internet debt-credit disputes is completely feasible from the ankles of theory and practice. Therefore, considering the cause and problems of nowadays ’ online debt-credit disputes, this study aims to provide some suggestions about building up a better mechanism and offer more comprehensive solutions for online debt-credit disputes. In all, this study is able to provide practical solutions for nowadays ’ Chinese P2P lending disputes. Key words: P2P lending, disputes resolution , online arbitration

Chinese Abstract

P2P 网络借贷纠纷在线仲裁解决机制研究 中文摘要 P2P 网络借贷平台,是出借人与借款人实现借贷的互联网交易平台。该平台既不是资金方,也不是承担债权债务方,主要扮演中间人角色,为借贷双方进行信用评估、关系撮合、信息交互等中介服务以促进借贷双方达成交易。 2007 年,我国首家 P2P 网贷平台诞生。随后,各种网络借贷平台迅猛发展。2013 年至今,平台数量和交易总额惊人。“互联网金融”成为时下热点,也引发了各种各样的新问题。平台跑路、诈骗事件、挤兑风波、倒闭潮等现象频繁出现,借款人与贷款人、投资人与平台、平台与担保人之间的纠纷也越来越多,整个行业都面临很大的风险。现行的传统诉讼和非诉讼纠纷解决机制,难以解决当前互联网形式的网络借贷纠纷。此外,法院审判上专业度不够、法院审判效率低下,法院审判灵活性不强等问题同样值得关注。网络借贷纠纷里传统非诉讼解决机制存在弊端,其所采取的调解协商措施是一种私人性的纠纷解决机制,不具有强制性和专业性,不能针对纠纷赔偿事实作出明确的判决,无法真正满足当事人的赔偿诉求。传统仲裁的解决方式针对网络借贷纠纷的适应性较低,对于涉及金额较小的案件,传统仲裁的收费标准太高,当事人难以承担。 从目前中国的发展阶段来讲,在线仲裁与网络借贷合同纠纷天然匹配。在线仲裁收费门槛低,耗费成本较低,避免了网络借贷纠纷跨地域性的特性,极大提高了处理纠纷的效率。面对网络借贷这种比较特殊的高风险行业,在线仲裁不但对债权的实现、快速执行以及解决具有重大意义,而且也极大的降低了网络借贷纠纷解决所产生的成本,有利于实现当事人的意思自治,起到了补充诉讼制度、节约司法资源、促进金融交易的作用。通过在线仲裁解决网络借贷纠纷从理论以及现实的网络技术发展来看已具备足够的可行性条件,本文对P2P 网络借贷纠纷在线仲裁解决机制上存在的现实困境及产生原因做了研究,针对 P2P 网络借贷纠纷在线仲裁解决机制的构建及完善提出了较为全面的解决方案,对于解决我国目前 P2P 网络借贷纠纷问题具有现实指导意义。 关键词: P2P 网络借贷,争议解决机制 ,在线仲裁

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Faculty of Law




Microfinance -- China

微型金融; 小額信貸 -- 中國

Financial services industry -- Computer networks -- China

財政服務業 -- 電腦網絡 -- 中國

Dispute resolution (Law) -- China

糾紛解決 (法律) -- 中國

Online dispute resolution -- China

網上糾紛解決 -- 中國


Wang, Wei

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