
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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大數據時代的個人信息保護 : 以被遺忘權本土化為視角 = Protection of personal information in big data era : transplantation of the right to be forgotten in China

English Abstract

With the arrival of the era of big data, when the information has become special strategic resources to the country, how to get the protection of everyone's information has becomes a problem in the big data era should be consider. The great development of information technology and internet, witch has resulted Digit Memo already far beyond the limits of human memory. At present when network society, a variety of information can be fully retained in the network. It is possible to bring unexpected damage to the future life. A number of personal information is not only be abused today, but it may still be abused in the future. The right to be forgotten is a concept that has been discussed and put into practice in the European Union, for this solutions in these cases provide a basis for reference, and thus hope that through the network to delete the information, which allows the main body of information on the network can disappear to enjoy peaceful way of life. Of course, by establishing the right to be forgotten and gradually improve the personal information protection system. It will be inevitable conflict of interest with other fields, especially in the aspect of freedom of expression and information, For that reason different values of the EU and US had been caused controversy and compromise. Since the right to be forgotten had been appeared in two years ago, there has been a lot of controversy between Europe and the United States. There are a lot of controversial issues have not been resolved. The perfection of the system will cause the network service provider's activity space to continue to reduce. Therefore will be result in declining profits and slow development. This will be limit the development of China's Internet industry at the economic development as the center. Although the Internet has been developed for more than twenty years in China. But until now, the network industry have been free development environment, at the same time, lack of the Systematic, complete, comprehensive protection to personal information With the rise and development of the big data industry, will brings a few new questions. When the right to be forgotten was analyzed, realized there is the possibility of the existence of the right to be forgotten, but we must to strictly limit the types of data, the main body scope and other conditions. In such scenarios, we can ensure the balance of interests while protecting the personal information security. These need to establish respectively valid legal regulations to improve. This article will start from the historical background and development process of the right to be forgotten in the European Union so that the author will to analyze the right to be forgotten. Its controversy in different backgrounds to demonstrate. The article compares the profound causes behind the difference of the EU and the USA. Through study western relevant regulation and on this basis, in the present social environment to for the introduction of right to be forgotten are discussed. Keywords: right to be forgotten, right of personality, personal information

Chinese Abstract

大数据时代的到来,当信息成为了国家特殊的战略资源的情况下,每个网民的个人信息如何得到保护成为了我们在大数据时代应当考虑的问题。随着科技和网络的发展,数字记忆早已远远超越人类记忆的极限。在网络社会化的今天,多种信息能够被完整的保留在网络中,很可能给个人生活带来不可预料的损害。大量的个人信息不仅可能在今天会被滥用,在几年甚至几十年后依然可能会被滥用。被遗忘权在欧盟的诞生,使这类情况得到一个可供参考的解决方式。希望透过删除网络信息的方式,让信息主体能够在网络上“消失”,使生活归于平静。 通过被遗忘权的确立、个人信息保护制度的逐渐完善,必将会与其他权利或者利益发生一定的冲突。特别是与言论或信息自由形成紧张关系,有着人权及隐私的保护传统的欧盟与以自由和民主为标榜的美国对被遗忘权的不同解读产生的分歧和妥协。因此自从被遗忘权诞生以来,欧美之间一直以来都有诸多争议,尚有许多有争议性问题有待得到解决。随着对个人信息保护的制度的完善,将会导致网络服务提供者的活动空间进一步被压缩,权利的被限制的背后是利益的减少和发展的受限制性。这对目前我国以经济发展为中心模式下的互联网产业等于戴上了一个枷锁。我国虽然互联网已经发展了二十余年,但截止目前来说,对网络产业提供了过于宽松的发展环境,对个人信息保护力度的缺乏。随着大数据产业的兴起和发展,必将带来一系列的问题。根据对欧盟被遗忘权的分析后认为被遗忘权的在我国存在生存的空间,只是需要确定究竟应该删除的是何种资料,应该由谁来承担删除义务,以及对删除的信息范围予以限定。以保障个人信息的同时来平衡各方的利益,这些都需要制定配套的法律规定来进行完善。 本文将从欧盟的被遗忘权的历史背景和发展过程为切入点,从而对被遗忘权进行分析。以及其在不同背景下的争议来对被遗忘权的进行论证,并比较欧盟和美国对被遗忘权的态度以及其背后的深层原因。从而在学习欧美相关规定的基础上,根据当前我国在个人信息保护立法方面缺失的环境下对被遗忘权的引进进行探讨。 关键字:被遗忘权,个人信息,隐私权

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Faculty of Law




Privacy, Right of -- China

隱私權及其法規 -- 中國

Right to be forgotten -- China

被遺忘權 -- 中國

Data protection -- China

數據防護 -- 中國


Mo Shijian

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