UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
- English Abstract
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The aim of this research is to apply behavioral modification into classroom management of the second grade of Chinese primary school of Macao, case study was used as the major research tool and two students were being studied. A couple of questions were being considered before having moved forward to the research: 1. Would the classroom behavior of the active student M be changed and improved after the behavioral modification technique was applied? 2. Would the less-focused student E be more focused in class after the behavioral modification technique was applied? With the above in consideration, literature review was then conducted. During the course of the research, daily performance was being recorded, on-site observation of the research objects, students’ feedback, self-reflection during the research process were all being collected. Data collected was eventually being organized and analyzed, and the below conclusions are drawn: 1. Obvious and distinctive improvement on class behavior was seen on both the active Student M and the less-focused student E upon the application of the behavioral modification technique. 2. Parental education plays an important role in correcting children's behavior. 3. The successful application of the modification technique depends heavily on the degree of collaboration of the study objects in question.
- Chinese Abstract
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是次的行動研究主要是在於將行為改變的技術運用於澳門小學初小學習階段---- 二年級的課堂管理上,以個案分析為主要形式,從而分別對兩個研究對象進行相關的行 動研究。在作研究前,研究者先要確認研究問題: 1、行為表現較為活躍學生 M 在接受行為改變技術後,其課堂行為是否能有改善﹖ 2、行為表現專注力較弱學生 E 接受行為改變技術後課堂注意力是否能表現集中﹖ 繼而便進行與其相關的文獻探討,在研究過程中,將透過研究者現場實地觀察、學 生回饋單、家長回饋、檢視反思等日常生活表現記錄表,從各方面收集資料、整理及分 析,最後能歸納出以下的結論: 一、運用行為改變技術策略對於行為表現描述較為活躍學生 M 及行為表現描述專 注力較弱學生 E 具有相當程度的顯著性 二、親職家庭教育對於兒童行為改變的積極作用 三、行為改變技術策略的應用需要被試者個體的積極性配合
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Behavior modification
Behaviorism (Psychology)
行為主義 (心理學)
Classroom management -- Macau -- Case studies
課室管理 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991001984889706306