
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Integrated water resources management : a case study of Macau

English Abstract

Sustainability emerges as a green conception from its potential to balance development and environment, especially in urban water system. Different optimized techniques, pipe network and government subsidies for traditional water system that advantage in urban economic, sociality and environment. Macau is a seaside city but water scarcity, only owns two freshwater storage reservoirs, 96% of raw water comes from the West River of the Mainland China. However, the water quality in the upstream is worsening and salt tide periodically affects the raw water, which deteriorates the water resource shortage and affects the sustainability of water system. To solve the problems, government introduces a series of policies including reuse water plan, rain water collection plan and saving water plan in the next days. To implement policies which are reducing the consumption of raw water and the pollution load of COD at the same time with different degrees is the green method to opening up the source and regulating the flow in urban water system. Based on the reuse water consulting and the related water data in Macau, this thesis deeply analyzes the current situation and the prospect of water resources in Macau. Vita Huang, Jianyong graduated from Zhuhai No.1 Middle School in 2005 and received the bachelor degree of Civil Engineering from Guangdong University of technology, Guangzhou, P.R.China in 2012. He continued him master study of Environmental Engineering in the University of Macau under the supervision of Dr. Lou, In Chio. Huang, Jianyong’s research interests include using model to optimize the water resources in urban water system in normal situation and emergency situation. Journal papers:  Huang, J., Lou, I. and Li, Y. (Submitted). Urban Water Management Integrating Raw Water Supply, Wastewater Reuse, Rainwater Collection and Water Saving Policies. Environmental Management.  Huang, J., Lou, I. and Li, Y. (2016). Integrated Water Resources Management for Emergency Situation: A Case Study of Macau. Journal of Environmental Sciences. Conference presentation:  Huang, J., Lou, I. and Li, Y. (Submitted). Urban Water Management Integrating Raw Water Supply, Wastewater Reuse, Rainwater Collection and Water Saving Policies, Urban Environmental Pollution 2014, Jun. 12-15, Sheraton Centre, Toronto, Canada  Huang, J., Lou, I. and Li, Y. (2016). Integrated Water Resources Management for Emergency Situation: A Case Study of Macau. Journal of Environmental Sciences, The 6th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition, Aug. 20-24, Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China

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Huang, Jian Yong

Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering



Integrated water development -- Macau

Water-supply -- Management -- Macau


Lou, In Chio

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