
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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澳門小學視覺藝術創造力的發展探究 : 以五年級視覺藝術課程為例

English Abstract

This research is meant to design several creativity lessons and teaching activities suitable for the visual art classes of the Macao primary school, using the method of creative teaching, according to which we can have knowledge of the application of the creative teaching method in local primary schools. This article is dedicated to advocating that creative activities can be fully adopted in visual art classes and can stimulate the students’ creativity. Main purposes of this research: firstly, to give an analysis on the creativity instructional theory. Secondly, to design series of creativity lessons for the visual art classes of the Macao primary school. And in the end, to discuss the feasibility of the creative teaching for visual art lessons. The object of this study is students of 5th grade in certain Macao primary school. This study lasted for one semester, during which time, eight different themes of the creative teaching were carried out. In the first phase of this research, we mainly analyzed both the method of creativity and the method of creative teaching, after which we gave a discussion about these methods being applied in visual art lessons. Moreover, we designed several visual art creative teachings for the 5th grade students and attempted to figure out a best way to carry out the creative teaching through the practical trials. After implementation, researchers tried to give data analysis, discussions and reviews of teaching on each teaching theme basing on the students’ notes and study results, through which the conclusions below were raised. First, nine key factors to the design of the visual art creative classes for Macao primary schools are: Ⅰthe theme should be interesting and creative in accordance with the students’ V characters. Ⅱa specific teaching purpose is of vital importance. Ⅲ the teaching activities should be designed diverse. Ⅳ arrangement of proper forms of visual art creation Ⅴ efficient teaching strategies. Ⅵ varies of appropriate and abundant teaching materials. Ⅶ the application of qualified teaching resources. Ⅷ emphasis on the creative works sharing. Ⅸ multiple teaching assessment. Second, nine vital methods of the visual art creative teaching for Macao primary schools are: Ⅰproper teaching tones can help students easily understand. Ⅱmultiple teaching methods stimulate the students imagination. Ⅲ a more creative classroom environment activates the students’ sensory organs and therefore contributes to their creative thinking. Ⅳ teachers are required to open up their minds for new concepts and give more space and respect for the students’ creation and originality. Ⅴless criticism more encouragement and praise are necessary. Ⅵ cordial teaching methods and a free relaxing atmosphere are encouraged. Ⅶ pay attention to the students’ appreciation of the creative works. Ⅷ group discussion and brainstorm can help inspire. Ⅸ sufficient materials and supporting tools are necessary for the students’ long-term creating. Third, the feasibility of the visual art creative teaching. Ⅰvisual art creative teaching has gained tremendous popularity among students. VI Ⅱ visual art creative teaching works on the reduction of the learning difficulty. Ⅲ visual art creative teaching helps efficiently stimulate the students’ imagination and creativity. Ⅳ visual art creative teaching attracts more in-class concerns on creating. Ⅴ visual art creative teaching contributes to the realization of teaching purposes. According to these results above, the design of the visual art creative lessons for Macao primary schools requires appropriate methods of lesson designing and methods of practical teaching. This research also drew a conclusion that visual art creative teaching plays an important role in the stimulation of the student’s creativity, which expands the feasibility of visual art creative teaching in Macao primary schools

Chinese Abstract

本研究嘗試採用創造力教學法,設計出適合澳門小學視覺藝術科的創造力 課程及教學活動,借此了解創造力教學在澳門小學視覺藝術科的應用,希望能 使創造力活動融入視覺藝術課程當中,並在視覺藝術領域裏提升學生的創造力, 開拓學生的創意思維。 本研究的只要目的有以下三點:(一)分析創造力的教學理論。(二)設 計澳門小學視覺藝術的創造力課程。(三)探討視覺藝術創造力課程與教學的 可行性。 本研究選取的研究對象為澳門某小學五年級的學生,研究時間為期一個學 期,共實施八個視覺藝術創造力教學主題進行教學研究。 本研究先就創造力理論與創造力教學理論加以分析,再對視覺藝術創造力 教學理論作探討;然後嘗試探討如何運用創造力教學理論進行視覺藝術學科的 創造力教學設計,並設計出適合澳門小學五年級學生的視覺藝術創造力課程, 再根據創造力課程,以實際教學的方式進行研究,嘗試了解澳門小學視覺藝術 創造力教學可如何實施。 在實施教學後,研究者從學生學習心得及學習成果評量兩方面,就每個教 學主題進行資料的分析、討論和教學檢討,並提出以下結論: (一)澳門小學視覺藝術創造力課程設計的九大要素。(1)依據學生特性, 設計新穎趣味的視覺藝術創造力教學主題;(2)訂定明確的視覺藝術創造力教 學目標;(3)設計多樣化的視覺藝術創造力教學活動;(4)編排適當的視覺 藝術創作形式;(5)選取有效的視覺藝術創造力教學策略;(6)選擇適當、 豐富和充足的視覺藝術創作教學材料;(7)運用有力的視覺藝術創造力教學資 源;(8)重視視覺藝術創造作品的分享;(9)多元的視覺藝術創造力教學評 量。 III (二)澳門小學視覺藝術創造力教學的九大方法。(1)教師運用適當語調 進行清晰地講解,學生容易掌握。(2)教師運用多元化的教學方式,學生聯想 被刺激。(3)教師佈置及營造創意教室環境,刺激學生的感官,激發其創意思 維。(4)教師需開放思想,勇於接受新觀念,尊重創作,重視獨特性,給予學 生足夠的創作空間。(5)教師需對學生作少批評,多鼓勵及肯定。(6)教師 需採用親切風趣的教學方式,為學生營造教室氣氛,建立無壓力的學習氣氛。 (7)教師應重視學生對創意作品的欣賞。(8)教師應多鼓勵學生討論或小組 合作,腦力激盪,激發創造力。(9)教師應準備充足創作材料及用具為學生鋪 排繼續創作之路。 (三)視覺藝術創造力課程與教學的可行性。(1)視覺藝術創造力教學深 受學生喜愛。(2)視覺藝術創造力教學能有效降低學習難度。(3)視覺藝術 創造力教學能有效激發學生的想像力與創造力。(4)視覺藝術創造力教學能使 學生高度投入課堂創作。(5)視覺藝術創造力教學能使學生高效達到教學目標。 根據以上研究結論所得,設計澳門小學視覺藝術的創造力課程需要掌握視 覺藝術的創造力教學設計方法和實際教學方法,才能有效地設計出澳門小學視 覺藝術的創造力課程。並得出視覺藝術創造力教學具有非常大的教育成效,可 以成功激發澳門小學學生的創造力。所以,此研究拓展出視覺藝術創造力教學 在澳門小學視覺藝術課程裏是可行的。

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Faculty of Education




Art -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Macau

美術 -- 學習及教學 (小學) -- 澳門

Creative ability -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- Macau

創造力 -- 學習及教學 (小學) -- 澳門

Curriculum planning -- Macau -- Case studies

課程規劃 -- 澳門 -- 個案研究



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