UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
中國腫瘤藥物研究的格局 : 基於研究合作網絡分析的視角
- English Abstract
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Objective: better understanding of China's landscape in this field is of great significance for discovering anti-cancer drugs in future. This article differs from previous studies by focusing on Chinese oncology drug research communities in copublication networks at the institutional level. Moreover, this research aims to explore structures and behaviors of relevant research units by thematic community analysis and to address policy recommendations. Methods: this research used social network analysis to define an institutions network and to identify a community network which is characterized by thematic content. Results: 675 sample articles from 2008 through 2012 were retrieved from the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) database of Web of Science (WOS), and top institutions and institutional pairs are highlighted for further discussion. Meanwhile, this study revealed that institutions based in mainland China are located in a relatively central position, Taiwan's institutions are closely assembled on the side, and Hong Kong’s units located in the middle of China’s and Taiwan’s. Spatial division and institutional hierarchy are still critical barriers to research collaboration in the field of anti-cancer drugs in China. In addition, the communities focusing on hot research areas show the higher nodal degree, whereas communities giving more attention to rare research subjects are relatively marginalized to the periphery of network. Conclusion: this paper offers policy recommendations to accelerate crossregional cooperation, such as through develop information technology and increase investment. The brokers should focus more on outreach to other institutions. Finally, participation in topics of common interest is conducive to improved efficiency in research and development (R&D) resource allocation.
- Chinese Abstract
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目的:本研究旨在繪製中國抗腫瘤藥研發的合作網絡,瞭解中國機構合作 研發的佈局,觀察研發機構的合作行為特點,探尋機構集群的研究主題方向, 并提出相關的政策建議。 方法:本研究結合社會網絡分析法和合作度分析法描述中國機構在腫瘤藥 研究方面的合著網絡及其網絡結構,並且應用主題詞分析法識別機構集群網絡 的主題詞特點。 結果:本研究收集到 2008 年至 2012 年美國《科學引文索引擴展版》 (Science Citation Index Expanded, SCIE) 收入的相關文獻樣本 675 篇。將樣本信 息繪製成機構合作網絡圖,并從中提取核心研發機構、機構對和子集主題網絡。 結果顯示,中國內地機構位於網絡圖相對中央的位置,臺灣機構緊密集中於網 絡的側邊,香港機構則通過在大陸和臺灣機構之間頻繁互動使得其分散在網絡 之中。並發現空間分隔和機構層次對抗腫瘤藥的科研合作仍然有著決定性的阻 礙作用。此外,關注熱門研究領域的集群,其結點中心度較高,而關注於罕見 研究的集群則容易被網絡系統邊緣化。 結論:依據研究結果提出相關的政策建議,以促進跨區域間的科研合作, 例如,通過提高中介機構的對外依賴度,發展信息通信技術和增加對研發項目 的投資。此外,積極參與擁有共同研究主題興趣的科研項目有利於提高研究與 開發 (Research and Development, R&D) 的效率和優化資源配置。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
- Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences
- Degree
- Subject
Antineoplastic agents
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- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000682739706306