UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
A construcao da cadeia coesiva no processo da traducao e pos-edicao, Portugues-Chines
- English Abstract
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Abstract: This research aims to present the preliminary results of an investigation, which was conducted under the Autema-posted project, by studying on the construction of cohesive chain in translation and post-editing of the Portuguese to Chinese, comparing cognitive effort involved in translation and post-editing process. To this end, in data collection, were applied questionnaires, Retrospective Verbal Protocol (PVR) and Translog-II (Carl 2012), a system that allows collect online keyboard movement data and eye movement data connected to a Tobii T120. To analyze the collected data, the methodology of triangulation (Alves 2005) was used, by means of combining the data of the User Activities (UAD), questionnaires, PVRs, in order to observe how translators solve problems and make decisions during the process of doing the tasks. The main results of this exploratory research are: 1. In general, post-editing tasks required more fixations in TA than translation; 2. On average, translators spent more efforts to build cohesive chain in the task of post-editing than in the translation; This work aims at deepening the understanding of the translation process of the language pair Chinese and Portuguese in which concerns the construction of cohesive chain.
- Chinese Abstract
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本研究在 Autema-PostEd 项目基础之上,通过研究由葡文到中文翻 译及译后校对过程中衔接链的建立,对翻译和译后校对二者涉及的认知努力进 行比较,得出初步的分析结果。 在研究中,运用到了问卷填写、Translog-II (Carl 2012)和口录反省(PVR) 进行数据收集。其中,Translog-II 程式可以记录电脑键盘鼠标的活动数据,通 过连接 Tobii T120 眼动跟踪仪,还可以有效捕捉眼球活动。数据分析中,采用 三元分析法(Alves 2005), 通过结合受试者的翻译活动数据(UAD)、问卷信 息、口录反省,以此来洞悉译员如何在翻译过程中解决问题和做出决策。 本研究得出的初步结果主要有:1.总体而言,在目的文中,译后校对比翻译 中眼球活动更丰富;2.平均而言,相对于翻译任务,在衔接链的建立上,受试 者在译后校对中付出更多的认知努力。 本研究致力于加深对葡中翻译过程以及该过程中衔接链的建立的理解。
- Issue date
- Author
Wang, Tian Long
- Faculty
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Portuguese
- Degree
- Subject
Translating and interpreting
Portuguese language -- Translating into Chinese
Cohesion (Linguistics)
Machine translating -- Research
- Supervisor
Leal, Ana Luisa Varani
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000655489706306