UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
Unity in diversity : the Bologna Process, new governance in European higher education?
- English Abstract
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The Bologna Process is a project for integrating high-quality European education resources in 47 countries since 1999. It aims at forming a European Higher Education Area after ten years’ of running. The Bologna Process is a great step forward of European integration in the cultural and social area. For a long time, countries in Europe were reluctant to cooperate in the cultural and social areas, because they were afraid that the transfer of national competence to a supranational body would force them to lose control over those areas. In order to meet the challenges of European integration and solve the ‘sovereignty’ problem, the European Union has created certain ‘soft-methods’: soft law, the Open Method of Coordination. But the integration method created in Bologna belongs neither to E.U.’s community method, nor to other ‘soft methods’ used in the social areas. It is not simply an E.U. action, E.U. countries are only its initiators. Participants come from all around Europe, and they have generated strong collective results. This thesis emphasizes the character of the Bologna Process from the ‘governance’ perspective, and tries to figure out how this type of ‘governance’ worked during the process. To understand how such liberal, deliberative governance could create a long-lasting story in European higher education, tire author draws on the concepts of ‘constructivism’ and ‘governmentality’. Examining the effectiveness of process, this thesis compares chronological results from stock-taking reports and uses four countries as a case study. It is concluded in the thesis that the Bologna Process constitutes a ‘new-governance’ form in Europe and this type of governance generates quite effective results. Keywords: Bologna Process, Governance, Effectiveness
- Issue date
- Author
Liang, Yan Long
- Faculty
- Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Government and Public Administration
- Degree
- Subject
Education, Higher -- Europe
Bologna process (European higher education)
- Supervisor
Meyer, Thomas
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991007222659706306