UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
Estudo da expressão morfo-sintáctica das categorias de tempo, modo e aspecto em maquista
- English Abstract
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This is a morphosyntactic analysis of the tense, mood and aspect categories in Makista. The reason for having undertaken this research is the considerable variation in the means of expressing the mentioned categories in the oral corpus made up of sociolinguistic interviews to some of the last elderly native speakers of Makista. The mentioned variation is produced both between non-standard and standard verb forms, as well as the use and the absence of verbal aspect and mood (TMA) markers. Such variation is only partly produced in both written corpora (Barreiros, 1947, for the 19th century, and Santos Ferreira, 1996, for the 20th century). Our study took on a varied perspective: i) a synchronic descriptive analysis (of the oral corpus); ii) a diachronic analysis; iii) contrastive and diachronic study, when we compare the expression of the TMA categories in Makista with that in Kristang - the endogenous Creole of Malacca, which for historic reasons is the former's substrate. As far theory is concerned, we opted for approaches that consider the transfer of linguistic elements from substrate and superstrate languages in the formation of Creoles, to be similar to those of naturalistic second language acquisition situations (Siegel 2006, 2008). This enabled us to identify continuity and discontinuity traits in the expression of TMA categories between Kristang and Makista. It also aided us in understanding the reason for the use of standard verbal forms in the oral corpus of the latter. On the assumption that Makista may have been formed in a context similar to that of second language acquisition, we followed the Primacy of Aspect approach (Andersen and Shirai, 1996): just like in initial fases of L1, learners of L2 select the verbal morphologic markings based on the lexical aspect of the verb associated to those same elements. We employed Labov's variationist paradigm approach, and applied a quantative analysis to the data, using VARBRUL (GOLDVARB X). With this means, we produced probabilistic analysis whenever the data permitted. Otherwise we applied percentual analysis. Through such means we were able to indentify both common and divergent characteristics between Makista and Kristang in what concerns the non standard verbal forms and verbal markers. In general, the difference in the use of non standard verbal forms between these two Creoles is an apparent unlimited widening of the 3s for the Presente do Indicativo and the corresponding decrease in the use of the form derived from the Portuguese infinitive. As for the markers in Makista, they differ from those in Kristang, in that they assume a broader range of functions; thus overlapping the functions of the elements in Portuguese they originally derived from. As for the standard verb forms in the oral corpus of Makista, we found their order of acquisition and use to comply to the proposition in the Primacy of Aspect approach.
- Issue date
- Author
Pinharanda Nunes, Mário
- Faculty
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Portuguese
- Degree
- Subject
Portuguese language -- Morphology
- Supervisor
Baxter, Alan Norman
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991007170339706306