
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

Chinese medicine is one of China’s national treasures, traditional Chinese medicine is playing an important role in saving people’s lives and protecting people’s health in the past several thousand years, especially forthe proprietary Chinese medicine, which was an integral part of modern pharmaceutical market in China, and it has a unique advantage in the treatment of many diseases. In recent years, the Chinese government pays attention to the traditional Chinese medicine industry as a major strategic industry to develop, but the development of the industry is not clear and the research of the retail terminal market of the Proprietary Chinese medicine is rare at present. So it is necessary and interesting to analysis the situation of the retail terminal market, especially the size of the market, the sale and use condition. Through the study, we hope to give some advises to the development of Proprietary Chinese medicine retail terminal market. In the research, we find out that the structure of the retail industry of the traditional Chinese medicine need to improve. Moreover, according to the results of the questionnaire and data analysis, one the one hand,in medical institutions, the best selling kind of proprietary Chinese medicine are drugs of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, neoplastic disease, and respiratory system diseases, and the main form of sales are prescription drugs. In addition, all of these diseases are serious diseases, and it is very difficult to cure.On the other hand, the cold medication, respiratory system drugs, digestive system drugs, gynecological drugs, “Bu Yi Yang Sheng” drugs, “Qing Re JieDu” drugs are best sold in retail pharmacy market in Shanghai and Guangzhou, Which are most used to treat mild disease or health care, and the best selling variables are famous brand. In the result,consumers are more about the basic properties of the medicine itself than the commercial properties, especially the safety, efficacy and expiry date are second. It is not obviously that they are focus the price and brand of medicine. Finally, the research puts forward some suggestions which mainlyaround the safety of the medicine, new research, cost control and strengthen the propaganda for the development of traditional Chinese medicine retail industry. For proprietary Chinese medicine retail pharmacies, it is important to strengthen the connection with the production enterprise, improve the efficiency of management and service quality to make the new product portfolio to cater consumers’ tastes.

Chinese Abstract

中医药是中国的“国粹”与“瑰宝”,中成药更是现代药品市场上不可或缺 的重要组成部分,在许多疾病的治疗领域都具有独特的优势。近年来中国政府也 十分重视发展中医药产业,并将中医药产业作为重大战略产业来发展。而中成药 疗程长、见效慢等特性又决定了其将来要偏向零售市场(零售药店)发展的趋势, 因此,零售药店作为中成药进入市场的最主要环节更应当受到重视。但目前对于 中成药零售药店市场的研究还不多见,该产业发展的现状还不明确。如果对中成 药的零售市场现状认识不清,那么无论是对于零售药店还是医药厂商而言,都很 难做到有的放矢,进而会影响到中成药零售市场的未来发展。因此,十分有必要 对中成药零售药店市场的发展现状进行研究。本研究将关注的重点定位于中成药 的零售药店市场,并通过数据分析和问卷调查相结合的方法,探究药品零售市场 的市场规模和发展现状、零售药店市场中成药的主要销售品类以及消费者在零售 药店选购中成药的主要关注因素等,最终可以为中成药零售市场的发展提供建议。 本研究发现中国药品零售行业发展状况不容乐观,急需改善目前的产业结构。 通过分析发现,无论是中成药销售的零售药店市场还是医疗机构市场,其市场规 模都是十分巨大的,而且销售规模还在逐年扩大。另外,研究还发现,医疗机构 市场销售的中成药的主要类别为心脑血管疾病用药、肿瘤疾病用药以及呼吸系统 疾病用药等重大疾病和难治性疾病的用药,并且这些类别中成药的主要销售品种 也以处方药为主;而在零售药店市场中,销售的中成药的主要类别为感冒用药、 呼吸系统用药、消化系统用药、妇科用药、补益养生类药和清热解毒药等轻症和 养生保健等方面的药品,其中比较畅销的品种多为知名品牌的非处方药(OTC)。 在对消费者购买中成药时的关注因素的调查结果中发现,消费者对药品本身的基 本属性的关注程度非常高,其中对药品安全性的关注程度最高,其次是药品的疗 效和有效期等;相对应的,消费者对药品的商业属性的关注程度相对较低,其中消费者比较关注药品价格和药品品牌,但关注程度没有预想的高。 最后本研究为药品(中成药)零售企业以及中成药的生产企业分别提出了 几点发展建议,希望能对中成药零售市场的发展有所帮助和促进。对中成药生 产企业的发展建议主要是围绕着药品的安全性、新药研发、成本控制以及加强 宣传等方面进行的;对中成药零售药店而言,最重要的是加强与生产企业的联 系,突破原有的经营模式,加强营销模式、经营模式以及服务方式等多个方面 的创新能力。另外,消费者逐渐倾向于购买健康产品、保健品和药妆等药品以 外的其他商品,对中成药产业而言,积极开发迎合消费者口味的多元化的新产 品(产品组合等)也是必不可少的。

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Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences



Pharmaceutical industry -- China -- Marketing

藥業 -- 中國 -- 營銷

Medicine, Chinese




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