UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
A semantically-enriched e-tendering mechanism
- English Abstract
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E-tendering is widely used in company and government purchasing in e-business practice. However, existing e-tendering platforms cannot solve semantic interoperability problems between heterogeneous e-tendering systems. It increases extra risks of misunderstanding the meaning of the exchanged e-tender document and failing to fairly evaluate which company is the best. This thesis proposes a novel semantically-enriched e-tendering (SEET) approach, which enables heterogeneous e-tendering systems to be semantically connected and interoperable by applying collaborative conceptualization theory. Based on this approach, a SEET platform is implemented and guarantees that e-tender inviters and e-tender bidders can exchange their e-tendering documents in a semantically consistent manner. This thesis targets to achieve the following objectives: 1. Identify the problem in the current practices for e-tendering platform 2. Design and develop a framework of SEET to solve the problem 3. Implement an SEET e-tendering platform prototype 4. Evaluate SEET and analyze by demonstrating the applicability of the approach using a real world scenario. 5. Conclude the thesis and describe the future work.
- Issue date
- Author
Chan, Ka Ieong
- Faculty
- Faculty of Science and Technology
- Department
- Department of Computer and Information Science
- Degree
- Subject
Electronic commerce
Industrial procurement -- Data processing
- Supervisor
Guo, Jing Zhi
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991005118499706306