
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

The objective of this research study is to study the personal, family and school characteristics of three groups of Macao students with different backgrounds (first and second immigrant generations and local students), and to analyze their science literacy, including the ability to identify scientific issues, explain scientific phenomena and use scientific evidence. The difference in science literacy among these students is compared, and the characteristics of these students are studied. Recommendations are then made to improve the science education in Macao. In order to achieve the above objective, this research makes use of the data of PISA 2006 about Macao's 15-year-old students with different immigrant backgrounds and information from questionnaires filled in by students and parents. By using scientific statistical methods, the following conclusions are made. First, regarding students' personal characteristics, there is no significant difference among gender distribution in the three background groups. However, there are significant differences in their academic results. In particular, the percentage of 15-year-old first generation immigrant students that scores lower grades in school is much higher than that of the other two groups. Second, concerning family characteristics, the local students have the advantages in parents’ higher educational background, family income and social economic status. However, the PISA data indicate that the parents of students with immigrant backgrounds, especially the parents of first generation immigrant students, are more positive about science education, and tend to believe that scientific knowledge can help the development of their children. The parents of local students are found to be the least positive about scientific knowledge. Third, as for school characteristics, the percentage of local students studying at private schools is the highest among the three groups. Moreover, the percentage of local students studying traditional or international curriculum is also the highest. The percentage of first generation immigrant students studying technical or vocational training curriculum is the highest among the three groups. Fourth, the science literacy of second generation immigrant students is significantly higher than that of the other two groups. iv It is found that there is no significant difference in science literacy between local and first generation immigrant students. Although local students have advantages over the other two groups, their academic achievement is not the best. This research study aims to provide the government, schools, teachers and future researchers in education with workable recommendations and insights so as to enhance the science literacy of first generation immigrant students and to remind local students of their advantage in family background in the pursuit of scientific knowledge.

Chinese Abstract

本研究的主要目的是探討不同背景學生(第一代移民學生、第二代移民學生與本 地生)個人特徵、家庭背景特徵和就讀學校特徵;分析不同移民背景學生的科學素養表現, 包括識別科學議題、科學地詮釋現象及運用科學證據,並比較其科學素養之差異狀況,歸 納本地生及移民學生的各項特徵,從而找出一些能推動澳門科學教育發展的建議。 為達到上述研究目的,本研究根據 PISA2006 所收集的澳門十五歲不同移民背景 學生及家長問卷的資料,利用百分比、平均值組間差異、交叉列聯表及卡方(Chi-Square) 檢定進行分析,從而得到以下結論: (一)學生個人特徵方面,不同移民背景學生的男女比 例在各組群中沒有明顯分別。而不同移民背景學生所就讀年級有顯著差異,其中較多十五 歲的第一代移民學生就讀較低年級。(二) 家庭特徵方面,父母親的學歷、家庭收入及社經 文化地位皆以本地生父母最高,但結果顯示有移民背景的家長比本地生家長更重視子女對 科學的學習,且較認同科學知識有助子女未來的發展,特別是第一代移民家長的認同感是 最高的,第二代移民家長次之,相反本地家長對此項看法在三群組中最低。(三)就讀學校 特徵方面,本地生入讀需付學費的私立非入網學校所佔比率較移民學生多。選擇文法及國 際課程的比率以本地生最高,第一代移民學生選擇技術或職業先修課程的比率為三個組群 中最高。(四)第二代移民學生在 PISA 2006 科學素養的表現顯著地高於本地生及第一代移 民學生。 本研究發現,第一代移民及本地生的科學素養沒有顯著差異,本地生享有較優厚 的條件,但成績卻不能成為最佳,因此本研究對政府、學校、教師及未來各教育研究者提 出一些適切的建議,希望能提升第一代移民學生的同時,亦對本地生作出一些提醒。

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Faculty of Education




Children of immigrants -- Macau

移民人士的子女 -- 澳門

Science -- Study and teaching (Middle school) -- Macau

科學 -- 學習及教學 (高級小學至初級中學) -- 澳門



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