
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


我國對外貿易中的技術性貿易措施 : 以中醫藥出口遭遇的技術性貿易措施為例 = The technical measures to trade in international trade : especially on the export of traditional Chinese medicine

English Abstract

Analysis of Legal Problems in Determination of Injury in Antidumping Law Abstract The determination of injury is the basic and core concept of the international antidumping law system in the world. Not all of the dumping is forbidden by the antidumping law. It would be prohibited only when it is a minor factor bad for the international business. Practically, although the Antidumping Agreement of the WTO set a series of standard to determine the injury caused by the dumping behavior, it is still artificially and easily influenced or manipulated because it is in lack of a unified standard to determine the injury and the legislation in different countries are different on the basis of their own economic situation. Till now, many important problems related to the determination of injury have not been solved in legislation. Based on this, this thesis would specify the substantive factors and concept from the perspective of substantive rules and procedure rules separately. This thesis does research and analysis the existing problems in the procedure of the object of injury examination of injury, determination of causation and determination of injury margin. Then it will get the conclusion after comparative or cases analysis and give suggestion on how to improve the situation in China. Firstly, the thesis introduces the research background and significance, reviews the domestic and international literatures, clarifies the research methodology and the main content, the research purpose and meaning, thesis framework, etc.; then, the thesis discuss the concept of the determination of injury system, as well as its content from the angle and based on the settlement and development of the GATT and the WTO's anti-dumping system, and compare the Chinese legal practice with the U.S and the European countries; next, from the perspective of substantive rules, the thesis analysis the system of determination of injury in the antidumping law of the Europe and the United States under the WTO framework, and also explore the Chinese system of determination of injury to make a comparison; then, from the perspective of procedural rules, the thesis continues doing research on the regimes of determination of injury in the Europe and the United States under the WTO legal framework, also discuss the cases and problems in China and make a comparative analysis; finally summarize the former parts of the thesis and get conclusions after the above analysis and research, furthermore, put forward opinions and suggestions on how to improve the Chinese system and absorb the advanced experience of other countries. Key word: Injury of dumping, Domestic Industry, Like Product, Causation, Industry margin

Chinese Abstract

傾銷損害確定的法律問题研究 中文摘要 在國際反傾銷法律體系内,損害與傾銷一樣,是最基本、最核心的概念。並非所有的傾銷都被反傾銷法所反對,只有造成损害的傾銷才對國際貿易形成不利的影響。在實践中,儘管WTO《反傾銷協議》確立了一系列损害認定的標準,但是由於各國在國内運用反傾銷法的過程中受經濟環境等各方面的影響存在差異性,缺少統一的標準,同時反傾銷調查的過程也由於各國規定的不同而赋予調查機構較大的自由裁量權,容易被人為地操縱、缺乏一致性。到目前為止,與损害確定相關的許多重要問题還處於较模糊的狀態、在立法中尚未明確加以規定。 基於此,本文分別從實體规则和程式規则的角度出,厘清傾銷损害確定過程中的實體要素和概念,並分別從客體的界定、損害的確定、傾銷幅度的認定和因果關係的確定幾個方面來就確定傾銷所造成损害的程式方面存在的問题加以分析,從而研究得出中外傾銷损害確定過程中的差異並對中國反傾銷制度的進步完善提出建議。 本文首先從選题背景和意義、國内外文獻綜述、研究方法、主要内容幾個方面來介紹論文研究的課题內容、研究目的、研究意義、如何展開研究以及論文框架;接下來,從GATT/WTO傾銷損害確定制度的建立與發展的角度出發,論述傾销損害確定制度的概念和傾銷損害確定制度的内容, 而後將歐美國家與中國的立法實踐做比较分析;而後再從實體規则角度進行倾銷损害確定制度分析,從WTO框架下歐美國家的傾銷損害制度實體問题研究入手,進而探討中國傾銷損害確定制度中的實體問题,而後進行中外比较研究;實體規則角度分析過後,論文繼續從程式規則角度出發,分別針對WTO框架下歐美國家的傾銷损害制度程式問题和中國傾銷損害確定制度中的程式問题結合案例加以研究,再進行中外反傾銷程式规则比较研究;最後,經過上述分析和研究之後得出结論,對本文前述各部分的論述加以總結,進而對中國如何吸取先進經驗、完善傾銷損害確定制度提出相應的意見和建議。 中國“入世”後對外貿易的快速發展,有關傾銷和反傾銷方面的貿易摩擦不斷增多,中國已經成為世界上被採取反傾銷措施最多的首要受害國,完善中國的傾銷損害確定制度能夠有效避免其他國家對中國進行傾銷:在瞭解其他國家的傾銷損害確定制度的同時,也能夠在某種程度上起到規避其他國家對中國探取反傾銷措施的風險的作用。 關鍵字: 傾銷損害,國內產業,同類產品,傾銷幅度,因果關係

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Faculty of Law




Non-tariff trade barriers


Foreign trade regulation


Non-tariff trade barriers -- China

非關稅貿易壁壘 -- 中國

Foreign trade regulation -- China

對外貿易法規 -- 中國

Medicine, Chinese -- China

中國醫藥 -- 中國

Drugs -- Marketing

藥物 -- 營銷



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