
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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English Abstract

Chinese patent medicine (CPM) industry in China is in the stage of vigorous development. The lack of industrial macro information and competitiveness platform may make information asymmetry, which will lead to the blind flow and inefficient allocation of competitive resources. This research aims to provide objective reference for the development of CPM industry in regional. So each area can identify the national position, characteristics, evolution and disadvantages, to make reasonable strategies and decisions. Firstly, collecting and screening the data of CPM industry at provincial level to process the following empirical research: 1. Based on the theory of location quotient, combined with market share, the distribution and evolution of CPM industry in 31 provinces in China from 2004 to 2010 were observed, and specialized levels wre devided into the 2*2 matrix. Through the standard deviation of LQ, index of HHI and CRn to observe the assimilation and concentration, it was found CPM industry in China now is in a low concentration level. The regional assimilation is in a low degree which shows the trend of increasing. 2. Based on the theory of industrial competitiveness, we designed a 16-index evaluation system, which across agriculture, industry, commerce, and knowledge of the whole CPM industry chain. By using factor analysis, four factors were extracted to evaluate the industry competitiveness of CPM in 31 provinces in China, which are manufacture, market, technology and policy. Through the data of 2005 and 2009, we also observed stability of the model and the change of the four years. By using hierarchical cluster analysis, different competitiveness was classified into four echelons. Combining with the results of 2*2 matrix, a integrated analysis of quantitative and qualitative was made to indentify each region’s characteristics. Then we put forward reasonable suggestions for direction and the path of ascension of each province. Finally, through the analysis of variance (ANOVA), we tested the relationship between the CPM industry distribution and the competitiveness. It was found that different types of the industry distribution have different types of competitiveness, which verified the accuracy and great practical significance of this research.

Chinese Abstract

目前我国中药产业正处于蓬勃发展的阶段,如果缺乏产业宏观信息与竞争 优劣势的分析平台,将会导致政府、实业界的相关政策制定与市场竞争信息不 对称,造成竞争性资源的盲目流动和低效配置。故本研究旨在为发展我国区域 中成药产业提供客观的参考依据,使政府主管部门在把握好现有布局的基础上 合理制定相应的战略和决策,使各区域能够明确自己在全国的位置、特征、演 变及优劣势,以促进区域错位竞争、结构互补和资源的合理配置。 首先,最大程度地搜集并筛查了中成药产业的省级统计数据,进而开展如 下的实证研究: 一、基于区域经济学中的区位商理论,结合市场份额,从全局的角度观察 2004-2010 年间中国中成药产业在 31 个省、市、自治区的分布状况和演变,并 按照 2*2 矩阵对不同专业化水平的区域进行划分。通过区位商标准差、HHI 指 数、CRn 指数三个指标观察了产业的趋同化及集中度,发现我国中成药产业目 前处于低度集中水平,各区域的趋同化程度较低,但差异性存在着减小的趋 势。 二、基于产业竞争力的相关理论,设计了包含 16 个指标,横跨农业、工 业、商业、知识产业整个中成药产业链的省级竞争力评价体系。采用因子分析 法,建立包含生产能力、市场需求、技术水平、政策扶持四个因子的中国中成 药产业省级竞争力评价模型,依此对各区域进行了评价和得分排序。再通过 2005 年的数据对比运行,观察了该模型的稳定性和 4 年间的动态变化,并通过 聚类分析将各区域的竞争力水平划分为四大梯队。 最后,将两部分独立的实证研究结果进行有机结合,集成分析了中国各区 域中成药产业的特征和优劣势,为明确发展方向和提升路径提出合理的建议。 并通过方差分析(ANOVA)检验了产业布局和竞争力之间的关系,发现不同布 局类型的中成药产业,竞争力有着显著的差异,也验证了本研究的合理性,具 有较高的现实意义。 关键词:中成药,产业,布局,竞争力,区位商,因子分析,聚类分析

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Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences



Pharmaceutical industry -- China

藥業 -- 中國

Medicine, Chinese


Materia medica -- China

藥物學 -- 中國



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