
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The research helped us understand and analyze causes of parent-teacher conflicts, how primary school teachers dealt with the situations when there was a conflict between them and parents and the side effects of parent-teacher conflicts on teachers. The purpose for this study was to improve the relationship between teachers and the parents. In order to achieve this task, we used sampling method. By using this method, we selected five primary school teachers and one past primary school teacher to get their opinions of conflicts after having an in-depth interview with each one. Results showed as follows: 1. Causes of parent-teacher conflicts for parents of primary school teachers were: “ lack of communication between parents and teachers", “different perspective in education between parents and teachers", “diverse manner in handling issues between parents and teachers", and “argument concerning responsibility between parents and teachers". 2. In response to the conflicted incidents caused by different reasons between parents and teachers, primary school teachers would adopt different strategies such as “clarification", “parents and teachers work together to solve the problem", "ask for other professional 's intervention", "educating the parents", “competition", “adjustment”and “avoidance". (1) For parents who were in the category of "lack of communication between parents and teachers", their solutions mostly fell on: “clarification". (2) For parents who were in the category of “different perspective in education between parents and teachers", their solutions were_mostly: “ask for professional's intervention”. (3) For parents who were in the category of “diverse manner in handling issues between parents and teachers", their responses were: “clarification", “ask for other professional’s intervention”, “educating the parents”, “competition”, “adjustment”and “avoidance”. (4)For parents who were in the category of “argument concerning responsibility between parents and teachers", their solutions were mostly: “parents and teachers work together to solve the problem", “educating the parents", and “avoidance”. 3. There were many side effects of parent-teacher conflicts on teacher, which included: positive way and negative way. The negative way was comparatively more than the other. Based on the finding above, this study_proposed several suggestions to primary school teachers, parents, schools and government department. Issues for further study were brought out for discussion for any extensive approach, and provided as reference to those who was interested in relative research. Keywords: Parent-teacher, Conflicts, Parent-teacher conflicts, Strategy responding to conflicts

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在探討小學教師產生親師衝突的成因、小學教師面對親師衝突的因 應策略以及親師衝突對教師的影響,以作為增進親師關係之參考。為達此目的,本研究採用質性研究。以五位小學教師及一位前小學教師為研究對象,透過深度訪談方式進行。 本研究獲得之結論如下: 一、從訪談資料中歸納受訪小學教師及前小學教師認為的親師衝突原因包括有: 「親師溝通不良」、「親師彼此教育理念不同」、「親師彼此處事態度不同」及、「親師彼此責任歸屬不清」等。 二、針對親師衝突原因的所產生的衝突事件,小學教師會採用不同的方式因應,如:「澄清事情」、「親師共同解決問題」、「第三者的介入」、「教育家 長」、「競爭」、「順應」及「逃避」等因應策略。 I.在「親師溝通不良」受訪者所採用的因應策略以「澄清事情」較多。 Ⅱ. 在「親師彼此教育理念不同」受訪者所採用的因應策略以以「第三者介入」居多。 Ⅲ.在「親師彼此處事態度不同」受訪者所採用各有不同,而被選用的因應策略有:「澄清事情」、「第三者的介入」、「教育家長」、「競爭」、「順應」及「逃避」等六種因應策略。 IV.在「親師彼此責任歸屬不清」受訪者所採用的因應策略:「親師共同解決問題」、「教育家長」及「逃避」。 三、研究發現親師衝突對小學教師所帶來正面的及負面的影響,且兩者相約,當中以負面影響稍多。 本研究最後根據研究結果,提出建議以供小學教師、家長、學校以及教育部門參考,並提出未來研究可進行之方向,供有志從事相關研究人士之參考。 關鏈字:親師、衝突、親師衝突、親師衝突的因應策略

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Faculty of Education




Parent-teacher relationships


Education -- Parent participation

教育 -- 父母參與

Parent-teacher relationships


Home and school




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