
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


An inquiry into the learners' perceptions of integrating self- and peer- evaluation into student assessment in English oral class

English Abstract

Abstract: This self- and peer- assessment (SPA) research is conducted to find out students' reaction to and feelings about an assessment procedure completed by the students themselves, and see whether it is useful in promoting effective learning and positive attitudes towards the oral English class. Set in an English Oral Class of Junior secondary three (JS3) students of a comprehensive school in Taipa, this paper reports findings from a SPA framework (in which 40% of the students' final scores come from student self- and peer- assessment of the tasks or presentations completed by them) throughout the English Oral Class. That means 60% of the marks are given by the teacher, while the remaining 40% are from the student self-assessment (10%) and peer-assessment (30%). The class consists of 27 students, 13 females and 14 males. Traditionally, students are only assessed by the teacher. But in this study, the teacher tries to integrate student self- and peer- assessment into the English Oral Class as an intervention. For this purpose, data are collected and analyzed, followed by the recommendation that helps to change students' attitude towards the English oral class. Key words: peer and self-assessment (SPA), assessment for positive and effective

Chinese Abstract

摘要 本研究的主要目的在於探討學生對英語口語課融入自我與同儕評核的想法,以及探討此評核方式能否有效地提高學生在口語課時的學習及積極性。 本研究以氹仔某中學的其中一班初中三年級學生為研究對象,全班共27人(13女14男)。在該班融入了以SPA(自我與同儕評核)為架構的方式去評核他們在英語口語課的成績。其中40%的學生期末成績是來自於學生的自我與同儕評核,即由學生自己及其同儕評估他們的表現(學生自我評核佔10%,同儕評核佔30%);而餘下的60%的學生成績則仍由老師來評核。 根據傳統的評核方式,學生的表現或成績只是由老師去評估的。但在本研究中,研究者試圖在英語口語課中,把學生自我與同儕評核的方式融入在傳統的評核中進行研究。為此目的,資料收集和分析後,研究者提出一些能改變學生對英語口語課的態度和積極性的建議。 關鍵字:同儕與自我評核、正面的學習態度和有效學習的評估、學習者的認同程度

Issue date



Ho, Wan In


Faculty of Education




English language -- Study and teaching (Middle School)

English language -- Study and teaching (Middle School) -- Macau

Students -- Self-rating of

Students -- Self-rating of -- Macau



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