UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
- English Abstract
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The study of disyllabic and polysyllabic words is regarded as one of the important subjects in research of the Chinese vocabulary and the basic project in the research of Chinese language history, which can vividly demonstrate their constructing situation in specified historical period. Shi Ji is one of the valuable materials on Chinese vocabulary in Han Dynasty , an in-depth study of which may contributes to a detailed understanding of characteristics of disyllabic and polysyllabic words in Han Dynasty and a clear display of laws of Chinese vocabulary. Without a general criterion on identification of disyllabic and polysyllabic words in academic circle, this paper consults the achievements of predecessors and current research results and makes an exhaustive extraction of those words in Shi Ji by analyzing vocabularies one by one, sorting out and making a statistical computing of them. Then, on base of that, the paper categorizes those words into several structural modes, counting the respective sum of each and every percentage share of the total, as well as the relative proportions among them. The paper is divided into four chapters. The first part reviews the current study of the disyllabic and polysyllabic words, and introduces the basic knowledge of Shi Ji and its linguistic value, as well as putting forward the study aim and research methods of the essay. On base of the review of previous studies, the second part aims at setting up a criterion of distinguishing the disyllabic and polysyllabic words in Shi Ji. The third one thoroughly studies the constructive characteristics of each kind, and makes a static description of them from the aspects of acceptation, part of speech, word order. Based on the quantitative analysis and the adoption of the achievements of predecessors (including all kinds of works and papers of this area), the fourth part makes a comparation of the constructing conditions of those words used in Shi Ji in Han with those in other literatures in Xian Qin, in order to conclude the succession and development of the usage of disyllabic and polysyllabic words in Shi Ji. In the end of the paper, a word list of disyllabic and polysyllabic words in SHI JI is attached only for your reference. Keywords: Shi Ji; the disyllabic and polysyllabic words; word formation; acceptation; part of speech; word order
- Chinese Abstract
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複音詞研究是古代漢語辭彙硏究的重要課題之一。專書複音詞研究,對於展示一個時期複音詞的狀況有著十分重要的意義。《史記》是研究漢代漢語辭彙的珍貴材料之一,研究它的複音詞,有助於瞭解漢代複音詞的特點,也有助於探討漢語辭彙複音化的規律。 本文首次對《史記》中的複音詞進行了窮盡式的提取。複音詞判定歷來爭議較大,本文參考前賢說法及當前研究成果,對《史記》中的辭彙逐一進行分析,排查出《史記》中的單音詞和短語,對《史記》中的複音詞進行地毯式的搜索,統計出數量。然後,按照結構形式將全書複音詞分類,同時,統計出各種結構形式下轄的複音詞的數量,並計算出各類複音詞在全書複音詞中所占的比重以及各類複音詞之間數量的對比。 本文共分四章:第一章緒論介紹了古漢語複音詞及其硏究現狀、史記及其語料價値以及本文的研究目的和方法;第二章結合前賢的研究確定了判定《史記》複音詞的標準;第三章細緻研究《史記》中每一種結構形式複音詞的構成特點,分別從語義、詞性、字序等方面,對複音詞的構詞方式作靜態描寫;第四章結論部份,在對《史記》複音詞定量分析的基礎上,根據前人的研究成果(包括各種研究專書複音詞及斷代複音詞的著作和論文),將《史記》中複音詞的構成情況與先秦複音詞的構成情況進行對比,從而總結出《史記》複音詞在構詞上對前代的繼承和發展。最後附上了《史記》複音詞表,僅供參考。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Chinese Language and Literature (former name: Department of Chinese)
- Degree
- Subject
Chinese language -- Terms and phrases
漢語 -- 短語及特別用語之研究
Chinese language -- Pronunciation
漢語 -- 發音
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991005922149706306