
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

Objectives The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of 18 week’s exercise promotion for Macao school students on exercise behavior, exercise self-efficacy, exercise outcome-expectations and physical fitness over after school. Methodology A two-group (intervention and control) pre-post design was used.25 students from 2 classes of 7th grade in a secondary school, were recruited and randomly assigned into as intervention group (N=12) and the control group(N=13). The intervention, which included sending emails, log on exercise consultations website and exercise consultations tips, consisted of 18 weekly exercise consultations of recommending more exercise and having an active living approach to life after school. Control group had similar conditions of study and PE class. Physical fitness parameters and questionnaires of exercise behavior, exercise self-efficacy, exercise outcome-expectations and intervention were tested. General linear model with repeated measures, independent t-test, and Chi-square test examined to compare the differences. Results After 18 weeks’ exercise promotion after school, the results as follows. 1. Skin-fold thickness (tricep + calf) and BMI showed main effect of time and intervention; waist-hip ratio, push-ups and flexibility showed main effect of time, but no intervention effects; grip strength and sit-up had no time and intervention effects. 2. Exercise behavior, exercise self-efficacy, and exercise outcome-expectation had no main effects of time and intervention. 3. Positive changes were found in interest of physical activity outside school, but the changes were no significant. V 4. The students perceived it is important to do exercise consultation. Conclusion The results suggests that exercise promotion after school should be promoted in middle schools. By these means, the students could aware the knowledge of physical activity and increase the possibility to do exercise spontaneously. Finally, the aims of increasing more physical activity, improving physical fitness and setting up healthy lifestyles could be reached. No significantly intervention effect could be concluded insufficient sample quantity, short intervention duration and lack of specialization. Key words: Physical fitness, Exercise self-efficacy, Exercise outcome-expectation, Exercise promotion after school

Chinese Abstract

研究目的:本研究旨在探討十八周課外運動促進對澳門初中學生運動行為、運 動自我效能、運動結果期待和體適能的影響。 研究方法:本研究屬於組內組間設計。將來源於同一學校、同一年級自願參與 本研究的 25 名初中學生隨機分爲實驗組(12 人)和對照組(13 人),兩組受試者性別 分佈無顯著差異,且兩組受試者年齡無顯著差異。實驗組施加爲期 18 週的課外 運動促進,手段包括互聯網發送電子郵件、登錄運動諮詢網站、發放運動諮詢手 冊;對照組與實驗組學習安排、體育課等條件完全一致,唯無運動促進幹預。測 試內容包括體適能測試、運動行為、運動自我效能、運動結果期待及幹預效果問 卷調查。數理統計方法重複樣本的方差分析、獨立樣本 t 檢驗以及卡方檢驗。 研究結果:十八週的課外運動促進後,1. BMI、皮褶厚度出現時限主效應和時 限與分組的交互效應;掌上壓、身體柔軟度、腰臀圍比出現時限主效應,但無時 限與分組的交互效應;而手握力、仰臥起坐未出現時限變化和幹預的變化。2. 問 卷調查所測得的運動行為、運動自我效能以及運動結果期待也沒有明顯的幹預效 果。3.學生對待課外體育活動的興趣有所改變,但是改變並不明顯。4. 十八週的 課外運動促進活動,得到學生一定程度的認可。 結論:研究結果提示,今後應該在學校推廣類似活動,從學生的興趣入手,通 過課外運動促進提升學生對運動的認知以及自覺且規律運動的把握程度,從而改 變學生自發參與運動的行為,提升體適能。本研究結果未達到預期幹預效果,可 能與樣本量較少,研究幹預時間短、幹預手段缺乏針對性有關。 關鍵詞:體適能,運動自我效能,運動結果期待,課外運動促進

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Faculty of Education




Student activities -- Macau

課外活動 -- 澳門

Physical education for youth -- Macau

青少年人的體能教育 -- 澳門



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