
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


中國內地與澳門累犯制度比較研究 = Comparative study of the recidivist systems in Mainland China and Macao

English Abstract

Recidivism is an ancient penalty system, and it is provided in criminal law in both Mainland and Macao. Due to historical reasons, Macao had been under the control of Portugal for a long time. Hence there are many differences in traditions and systems of criminal law between the two regions. Accordingly, the recidivist systems in the two regions are different. This article carries out a comparative study of the conception of recidivism, constitutive requirements and the legal consequence of recidivism in order to find out the differences between the two legislations. On the basis of referring to the related theories and the provisions of other countries' legislation, I analyze both merit and demerit of the two legislations and study the problems like juvenile recidivism and corporation recidivism and so on. Based on the above, I give some suggestions about the improvement and revolution of recidivism to both mainland and Macao. In general, this article is composed by the following five parts: Part one, the comparative study of the conception of recidivism provided in both criminal laws. First, make a general introduction to the historical evolution of recidivism. And then make an analysis of the differences between the recidivism and other relative conceptions. Then starting from the research on the theory of actor recidivism and conduct recidivism, I make a comparative study of recidivism conceptions of the two regions. Pointing out that Macao adopts the definition of actor recidivism, while Mainland adopts the definition of conduct recidivism. Part two, analyzing the requirements of establishment of common recidivism which is made up of subjective condition, penalty condition, time condition, subject condition as well as legal area condition. On the basis of analyzing the provisions of the two legislations, the article points out common places and differences of common recidivism in the two regions. Specifically, they both limit subjective condition to intentional crime, and the time conditions are also the same. But there are some differences in penalty condition, legal area condition as well as personal danger. Part three, comparing the composing conditions of special recidivism of the two regions, including criminal quality requirement, time condition, penalty condition and subjective condition. Then point out the differences and similarities between them. Part four, comparative study of the legal result of recidivism. First, I research into the theory of severer punishment and point out that it is based on a more serious danger of the person. Second, according to analyze the relative provisions of recidivism punishment, pointing out that recidivism punishment in Macao is aggravated punishment, while heavier punishment in mainland. Last, studying the questions that parole system and probation system whether can be applied to recidivist. Pointing out that the provision which recidivist can not apply for parole is unreasonable. Part five, the chief defects of the recidivist systems in the two regions and the improvement of legislation. In this part, the defects of the recidivist systems in the two regions will be further pointed out, such as problems with corporation recidivism, juvenile recidivism, and whether probation or parole is available for recidivist. And then I put forward the corresponding improvement suggestions like constructing the corporation recidivism system,a clear provision of juvenile's exemption from recidivism and so on. Key words: recidivism, composing conditions, personal danger, severer punishment

Chinese Abstract

摘要 累犯制度是一项古老的刑罚制度,我国内地与澳门的刑法中均有规定。但由于历史上的原因,澳门曾长期处在葡萄牙的管制之下,因而,其与内地在刑事法传统和体系上存在较大差异,相应地,两地刑法关于累犯制度的规定也是有所不同,可谓各具特色。据此,本文重点围绕两地刑法关于累犯的定义、累犯的成立条件、以及累犯的法律后果等进行分析比较,指出两地间所存在的异同,同时在参考有关理论学说以及其他国家相关做法和规定的基础上,分析两地刑法中关于累犯之规定的长处与不足,并对未成年人累犯问题,法人累犯问题,以及累犯能否适用缓刑、假释等问题进行研究,进而在此基础上对两地的累犯制度提出予以改进和完善的建议。具体来讲,包括以下五部分内容: 第一部分,对两地的累犯定义进行比较研究。首先,对累犯制度的历史沿革予以概括性介绍: 继而对累犯与相关概念进行辨析,将累犯与再犯等概念区别开来;然后,从行为人累犯与行为累犯的角度入手,在考察各国关于累犯定义立法例的基础上,对两地刑法中的累犯定义进行比较研究。指出澳门采用的是行为人中心论的累犯定义,内地采用的是行为中心论的累犯定义。 第二部分对普通累犯的成立条件,包括主观条件、刑度条件、时间条件、主体条件、法域条件等逐一进行分析研究。即在考察国外相关立法例的基础上,对两地刑法中的有关规定进行分析比较,得出其异同。具体来说,在主观条件上,两地刑法的做法是相同的,即都限定为故意犯罪,在时间条件上,两地刑法的做法也基本相同,即将后罪发生的时间上限限定为前罪刑罚执行完毕之日,将前后罪的时间间隔均规定为5年; 但在刑度条件、累犯成立的法域条件以及人身危险性因素的地位等问题上,两地立法存在一定差异。 第三部分,对两地特别累犯的成立条件包括罪质条件、时间条件、刑度条件 主观条件,逐一进行分析比较,进而指出其异同。 第四部分,关于累犯的法律后果之比较研究。笔者首先对累犯从严的理论依据加以探究,认为人身危险性大应是累犯从严的理论依据;然后对累犯处罚原则的相关立法例加以考察,在此基础上指出澳门与内地所采取的累犯处罚原则分别属于加重处罚和从重处罚;最后针对累犯与假释的适用问题、累犯与缓刑的适用问题分别进行比较研究,指出内地关于累犯不得假释的规定不尽合理,而澳门不择除对累犯适用缓刑的做法也不合理。 第五部分,两地累犯制度存在的主要缺陷及其完善。在该部分,本文指出两地累犯制度在一些问题上还存在缺陷,如法人累犯问题、未成年人累犯问题、特别累犯的范围问题、累犯能否适用缓刑、假释问题等,并进而在此基础上提出了相应的完善建议,如纳入法人累犯制度,明确规定未成年人不构成累犯,扩大内地特别累犯的范围等。 关键词:累犯,成立条件,人身危险性,从严处罚

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Faculty of Law






Recidivists -- China

累犯 -- 中國

Recidivists -- Macau

累犯 -- 澳門

Criminal law -- China

刑法 -- 中國

Criminal law -- Macau

刑法 -- 澳門



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