
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


蘇青小說的倫理敘事研究 = The study of moral (ethical) narration in Sui Qing's novels

English Abstract

In the 1940s, Shanghai was suffered from war. In this special time of history, an important change in the way of literature narration was doomed to occur. The change of the way of narration is based on the change of the whole culture. Since May-Fourth Movement, followed by rapid economic development, traditional personal and social morals had been re-defined. The Confucianism, which has a long history in China, had also been severely tested. Due to the Characteristics of sense of practicality ("get into the world" and "usefulness") in the Confucian ethics, the ethical view of Confucianism politically could have the cultural privilege in the country. However, since May-Fourth Movement, Chinese traditional ethical view was struck by western individualism. In addition, the change in Shanghai from an agricultural society to a "money-based" business society was clearing up all the family ethical relationships and personal and interpersonal feelings with the rapidly developing economy. If one would like to bring back the person-oriented ethical view, one must get into the behavior of human beings' daily life which formulates the human behavior in moral ethics. Literature narration is surely : able to cultivate moral ethics into people's emotional world to form morality--an inter-subject study of narration. Sui Qing had been developing her writing during the occupation of Shanghai. She was searching for the foundation of mentality for herself and her city. Sui Qing successfully alters the most practical daily existence in life into literature narration. She uses her personal life experience to send the message of her view in moral ethics to the readers.

Chinese Abstract

二十世紀四十年代上海陷於戰火之中,在這特殊的時代背景下文學敘事方式必然發生重大的變化,敘事方式的變化是根據整個文化的變化而生。自五四運動以後,隨著經濟的快速發展,傳統的個人與社會倫理也被重新核定。中國長久以來一直奉行儒家的道統也經受了強烈的考驗,由於儒家的倫理有著“入世”與“致用”的“經世”策略和“實用理性”特徵,儒學的倫理觀便能長久獲得國家政治化的文化特權。 但自五四運動後,中國傳統的倫理觀受到西方思想個人主義的衝擊,加上由農業社會轉變成為當時上海以金錢掛帥的商業社會,一切家庭倫理關係,個體與人際的感情也隨著經濟的高速發展而被沖刷得乾乾淨淨,若然找回這種以人為本位的倫理觀,必須以人類的日常生活的行為中體現人類的道德倫理行為。文學敘事便可以肩負重任把道德倫理載入人情世界裹,形成倫理——敘事的一種跨學科的研究。 蘇青正在上海淪陷時期發展她的寫作生涯,她為自己以及所生活的城市尋找精神和心理依存。蘇青成功地把人生最實際的日常生存轉化為文學敘事,以個體的生存經驗轉達她的倫理價值觀。

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Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of Chinese Language and Literature (former name: Department of Chinese)



Su, Ching, -- 1914-1982 -- Criticism and Interpretation

蘇青, -- 1914-1982 -- 評論及解釋

Chinese fiction -- 20th century -- History and criticism

中國小說 -- 20 世紀 -- 歷史及評論

Ethics in literature




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