
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


師生關係、認同學校學習價值、學習投入與學校歸屬感表現之比較研究 : 以澳門及香港兩地作為比較

English Abstract

The purpose of the study was to investigate the correlation variables that relate to sense of school belonging among students in Macau. Teacher-student relationship, attitude towards school and learning engagement were treated as independent variabies so that their relationship to the sense of school belonging can be examined. Furthermore, based on statistical analysis, a comparative study on the sense of school belonging and the abovementioned variables (e.g. teacher-student relationship, attitude towards school and learning engagement) in Hong Kong and Macau students were also discussed. This study was conducted by a questionnaire survey. The subjects were 15-year-old secondary students from Hong Kong and Macau, and 1,250 valid questionnaires from Macau, 4,478 valid questionnaires from Hong Kong were collected and analyzed. Part of the data in this research came from the PISA 2003(The Program for International Student Assessment 2003, which conducted by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ) Hong Kong and Macau Project, and the data were analyzed by using standard error on a difference, correlation, and regression analysis. The major findings are as follows: 1. There was no significant variance among male and female students’ school belonging in Macau, but have found that adolescent girl report higher levels of belonging than boy in Hong Kong. 2. There was no significant variance among different grade-level students’ school belonging, but have found that higher class-grade student reported higher levels of belonging than lower one in Hong Kong. 3. There was an obvious positive correlation among teacher-student relationship, attitude towards school, learning engagement and sense of school belonging both in Macau and Hong Kong. 4. In terms of the correlation among teacher-student relationship, attitude towards school, learning involvement, between Macau and Hong Kong had a diverse result, item of sense of school belonging results excepted. 5. Statistically speaking, variables like teacher-student relationship, attitude towards school and learning engagement had predictive power on the sense of school belonging in Macau, but otherwise, variables like teacher-student relationship, learning engagement had predictive power on sense of school belonging in Hong Kong. Lastly, based on these findings, suggestions for further study were provided. Keyword: sense of school belonging, teacher-student relationship, learning engagement, attitude towards school

Chinese Abstract

本研究旨在探討及比較澳門與香港地區學生「學校歸屬感」的相關因素,分別 以「師生關係」、「認同學校學習價值」、「學習投入」等因素作為自變項,「學 校 歸 屬 感 」為依變項。 考驗與學校歸屬感表現之相關情況,並以自變項作為預測變項探討與學校歸屬感的預測情況,另外,本研究選取了在學校歸屬感表現與澳門分數相近的香港地區,對澳門與香港兩地區學生於上述變項的表現作比較。 本研究採用問卷調查法,研究對象為澳門及香港就讀中學階段十五歲組青少年,一共收集澳門地區有效問卷1,250份,香港地區有效問卷為4,478份。本研究是借用澳門及香港地區學生在PISA 2003測試中的部份數據資料,以平均數差異檢定、相關分析及迴歸統計分析方法作資料處理。分析結果如下: 一、澳門學生在學校歸屬感分數上,男女學生之間未達顯著差異(p>.05);但香港學生在學校歸屬感分數上男女之間的差異達顯著水準,女生優於男生(p*<.05)。 二、就讀不同年級的澳門學生在學校歸屬感上未達顯著差異 (p> .05),而香港學生有顯著的差異,而且高年級學生較低年級學生有較佳的學校歸屬感表現。 三、澳門及香港學生在師生關係、認同學校學習價值、學者投入與學校歸屬感之間均呈現顯著的正相關(相關係數分別為r=*0.64~*.366、r=*.058~*.442)。 四、除了在學校歸屬感分項表現外,師生關係、認同學校學習價值、學習投入等項目上澳門及香港學生的分數表現並不相似。 五、澳門學生在師生關係、認同學校學習價值及學習投入等變項,對學習歸屬感具有統計上的顯著預測力;而香港學生在師生關係、學習投入等變項,對學習歸屬感具有統計上的顯著預測力。 最後,針對本研究結果,提出相關的建議。 關鍵詞:學校歸屬感、師生關係、學習投入、認同學校學習價值

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Faculty of Education




Motivation in education -- Macau

教育中的推動力 -- 澳門

Motivation in education -- Hong Kong

教育中的推動力 -- 香港

Teacher-student relationships -- Macau

師生關係 -- 澳門

Teacher-student relationships -- Hong Kong

師生關係 -- 香港

Learning, Psychology of


High school students -- Macau -- Attitudes

高中學生 -- 澳門 -- 態度

High school students -- Hong Kong -- Attitudes

高中學生 -- 香港 -- 態度



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