UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
The rhythm of everyday life : a study on the impact of illegal music downloading and the life of adult women in Macau
- English Abstract
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Women are perceived to be more anxious in overcoming technical problems, generally spend lesser time and use computers for only specific purposes or as a medium of communication, while it is often assumed that men love to play around and challenge their online counterparts on technical skills, and thus perceive the internet as largely a medium of entertainment. This paper aims to discover how adult women view technology in relation to music downloading as a form of entertainment. By adopting a uses and gratifications model, the findings show that women's internet interests in Macau fall primarily in the realm of entertainment level. Results discover that working class women in their late 20s and early 30s are highly motivated in music downloading. Owing to the necessity of music in their routine life, most of the respondents admitted to be strongly reliant on illegal music downloading which gradually becomes a habit, mainly on an intrapersonal level to relieve them from the complexity of urban life, while a few others associate it with the maintenance of personal friendships and as a new form of social activity on an interpersonal level. Convenience and the wide variety of music choices still remain the basis for music downloading. Technical problems encountered could normally be solved by themselves in no doubt and their strong desire to acquiring the music has already outweighed their fear of legal punishments. Suggestions, beneficial to both consumers and producers have thus been cited as part of this study. Instead of controlling widespread illegal music downloading, which is almost untraceable, owing to the advancements of new technology, this study attempts suggests positive solutions in aiming to improve current legal music downloading services as a new form of music consumption for the future digital era.
- Issue date
- Author
Pang, Sam I
- Faculty
- Faculty of Social Sciences (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Communication
- Degree
- Subject
Piracy (Copyright)
盜版行為 (著作權)
Piracy (Copyright) -- Macau
盜版 (著作權) -- 澳門
Internet and women -- Macau
互聯網與女性 -- 澳門
Women -- Computer network resources
女性 -- 電腦網絡資源
Music therapy
Communication -- Social aspects -- Macau
溝通及傳播 -- 社會方面 -- 澳門
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991002637449706306