
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


Writing, pedagogy and creative practice : the application of Howard Gardner's MI theory in the Macao high school classroom

English Abstract

In English language classrooms in Macao, teachers usually complain about the weakness of students in writing. It seems to be a great burden for students to write, and for teachers to correct the compositions. The Research on Academic Ability of Foundation Education in Macao was a study prepared by DSEJ (Education and Youth Affairs Bureau in Macao) in 2001 to evaluate the student standards of three subjects, including English. The study showed a significant gap between the standard levels of high school students, and it revealed the students’ specific problems in writing: grammar, vocabulary and motivation to write. Gardner’s multiple intelligences have been used in overseas experience to increase students’ motivation and the activities designed with this theory in mind have helped students with different intelligences to improve their quality of writing. Teaching environment, including class size and workload, and student’s low motivation to write are problems in teaching writing in Macao, teachers feel burdened with the chore of correcting. The worldwide popularity of Gardner’s MI theory (which was first published in his book Frames of Mind in 1983) has attracted some educators in Macao, and it has been applied in some schools. Compared with past definitions of intelligence, Gardner’s theory gives emphasis to the idea that intelligence may change over time in individuals, that it is greatly influenced by environment and that testing intelligence, as if it were a uniform quality of students, results in unhelpful ‘labeling’. Gardner’s multiple intelligences include linguistic, body-kinesthetic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist and possible other yet-to-be-decided intelligences. The theory suggests that people have all the intelligences, but at different levels. It is also suggested that the intelligences are interdependent. For Gardner, discussions of intelligence should not concern ‘how smart people are,’ but ‘how people are different’ and ‘how to develop the intelligences.’ In the past twenty years, MI has proved helpful (especially in U.S. data) in stimulating motivation to learn. MI has been applied in schools at various levels and some experiences show advantages in teaching with MI. Although some scholars have praised the benefits of MI, especially from the point of view of motivation, there are also negative comments about Gardner’s theories. Criticism focuses on the credibility and efficiency of assessment as conceived in MI theory. Universities and employers have had problems with the application of MI assessment criteria in the selection of candidates. The effectiveness of learning under MI conditions has also been questioned. Even though the assessment of Gardner’s theories and their application remain inconclusive, MI should be useful to Macao teachers because it will help them to rethink key motivational aspects of classroom practice. MI has been applied in some schools in Macao (especially for assessment purposes, for instance to determine abilities at kindergarten level) and the results have been satisfactory. However, little work has so far been done on the local application of MI theory for motivational purposes in teaching and learning. This thesis combines theoretical, creative and pedagogic work in order to facilitate the application of Gardner’s MI theory for the specific purpose of motivating the reading and writing of students of English in Macao high schools. The thesis is intended to serve as a vehicle for experience sharing and to provide patterns for other teachers who are interested in using MI for the teaching of writing in English.

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Ho, Weng Ian

Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Department of English



Multiple intelligences -- Study and teaching (Secondary) -- Macau

Education, Secondary -- Macau


Kelen Christopher

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