
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

There are several purposes of this study that are to discusse the mathematical literacy performance (MLP) of students in Macao, explore the relationship between " the school factors and MLP, and examine the relationship between family factors and MLP. To fulfill these research purposes, hierarchical linear modeling (HLMs) was employed to investigate the effects of the school factors and the family factors on students' mathematics achievement. The data consisted of 1250 15-year old students from 39 schools in Macao, from the 2003 Programme for International Student Assessment(PISA). The findings of this study were summarized as the follows: (1) Macao students performed substantially better than the 41 participating countries or regions, not only in overall mathematical literacy, but also in space and shape, uncertainty, quantity and change and relationships; (2) the MLP of schools was found significant differences among schools; (3) schools with high MEAN SES had high math achievement; (4) there were seven school factors as school type, number of assessment per year, teacher participation, school autonomy, resource autonomy, student morale and teacher morale are found significantly related to student achievement; (5) Socio-Economic and Cultural Status (ESCS) significantly predicted the MLP of Macao students; (6) computer facilities, educational resource, and cultural possessions were significantly associated with the MLPamong the family characteristics; (7) MEAN ESCS and SES were not associated with MLP. According to the findings, there were several recommendations made for the parents, school administrators and the local government toward educational policy-making.

Chinese Abstract

本研究的主要目的是:(一)了解澳門學生數學素養表現的情況;(二)探討學校因素與澳門學生數學素養表現之間的關係;(三)檢驗家庭因素與澳門學生數學素養表現之間的關係。爲了達到研究目的,本研究運用2003年在澳門進行的「學生能力國際評估計劃」(Programme for International Student Assessment [簡稱PISA])中所收集的1250名十五歲學生和39間學校的數據,應用多層線性模型(Hierarchical Linear Modeling)分析家庭因素和學校因素對澳門學生數學素養表現之影響。 根據上述的研究目的和研究方法,本研究獲得以下七點結論:(一)澳門學 生不論在整體的數學素養表現或在空間與圖形、不確定性、數量、轉變與關係四 個數學範疇的數學素養不均表現都顯著高於參與測試的41個國家或地區的不均成績;(二)澳門各校的數學素養表現有顯著的差異存在;(三)學校社經文化地位較高的學校顯著有較高的數學素養表現;(四)在澳門的學校裏,發現下列學校因素對學生的數學素養表現造成顯著的影響:學校類型、測驗次數、教師參與、學校自治、資源自治、學生士氣和教師士氣;(五)社經文化地位是數學素養表現的正向預測因子;(六)在澳門的家庭裏,發現家庭的電腦設備、教育資源和文化財產均對學生的數學素養表現造成顯著的影響。(七)澳門學生的社經文化地位對數學素養表現的影響不會因學校社經文化地位不同而造成差異。根據研究結果,對家庭、學校和教育部門提出具體的建議,以作為制定相關教育政策之參考

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Faculty of Education




High school students -- Macau -- Evaluation

高中學生 -- 澳門 -- 評價

Mathematical ability -- Testing

數學能力 -- 測試

Home and school -- Macau

家與學校 -- 澳門



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