
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


網誌 (Blog) 在日常學校行政事務的應用研究 : 高美士中葡中學個案為例

English Abstract

The concept of Web 2.0 revolutionized the habitual practices of traditional Internet users, of who ended up becoming Person of the Year for 2006 in Time magazine. The Internet had emerged from the dominant position as a commercialized network and gradually transforming itself into the new era of socialized network, which means that the utilization of Internet had elaborated from sharing information to a higher altitude characterized by exchanging ideas, emphasis on the new Internet spirit of interaction, participation and sharing, becoming consumers of applying network knowledge, while at the same time act as contributors of the knowledge network. Blog is therefore a classic application tool of the Web 2.0 generation. The in-depth communication potential and open-sharing spirits of Blog had long been widely favored by education community with education researchers gaining ever increasing attention towards Blog, although the majority of the studies were narrowly focused at the teaching and learning aspects of education. However, the application of Blog as management and administration tools had became increasingly popular in the business sector, and its effectiveness was highly evaluated. Based on these reasons, this study hopes to break through the limit of applying Blog only within the teaching and learning aspect of education, and to borrow the successful experiences of using Blog as administrative tools in the business sector, in order to fully explore the feasibility of applying Blog towards administrative affairs in education. By taking advantages of information technology and the participation-by-everybody spirit entrenched in the network society, we hope we can enhance the effectiveness of administrative mattes in schools. In order to fully explore the application of Blog towards administrative matters in schools, this study uses the Blog system of Escola SecundÃria Luso-Chinesa de Luis Gonzaga Gomes as the subject of the research, and subsequently demonstrated the communicative, knowledge-management and reflective functions of Blog in administrative matters, and use the result to provide further reference for schools in Macao to develop Blog to serve its administrative needs. Keyword: Web 2.0, Blog, administrative affairs in education,communication, knowledge management, reflection

Chinese Abstract

Web 2.0 的概念顛覆了互聯網用戶傳統的應用習慣,這些用戶成了美國《時代》雜誌 2006年度的風雲人物。互聯網已從「網路商業化」的主導地位漸漸進入「網 路社會化」的新年代,意味著互聯網的應用已由「資訊共享」過渡至「思維交流」的層次,強調「互動、參與和共享」的網絡新精神,網路知識應用的「消費者」,同時也成爲網路知識的「貢獻者」;Blog正是 Web 2.0 時代的典型應用工具。 Blog 的深層次溝通及開放分享的精神廣受教育界的歡迎,世界各地有關網誌的教育研究此起彼落,唯大部分皆集中在教與學的層次。另一方面,企業應用網誌作爲行政管理工具的趨勢日漸廣泛,效能大獲好評。基於以上原因,本研究希望突破網誌只限於教學應用的層面,以企業應用網誌作行政工具的經驗為借鑒,探索網誌在教育行政事務上應用的可行性;藉資訊科技的力量及網絡社會人人參與的精神,提昇學校行政事務的效能。 爲能全面探討網誌在學校行政事務上的應用情況,本研究將以澳門高美士中葡中學網誌系統為研究對象,論證網誌在行政事務上的溝通、知識管理及反思的功能,並以此作為澳門學校發展行政網誌參考之用。 關鍵字:Web 2.0、Blog(網誌)、教育行政事務、溝通、知識管理、反思

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Faculty of Education




Schools -- Macau -- Administration

學校 -- 澳門 -- 行政



High schools -- Macau -- Administration

高中學校 -- 澳門 -- 行政



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