
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


The impact of technologies on organizations : the case of the Leal Senado de Macau

English Abstract

SUMMARY The adoption of technology is gaining importance in the organizations of Macau. Organizations are employing different extents of technological advances in the production or provision of goods and services to achieve efficiency and better quality within the limits of their resources. Two years ago, the Leal Senado (City Council) de Macau attempted to import a hi-tech package - a computerized automatic inspection system to its Inspection Sector for Vehicles, hoping to increase productivity (the number of vehicles inspected) to meet the requirement of city growth with less manpower and improve the quality of service through the implementation of technology. However. given the limitations of financial resources and human resources. concerning the availability of workers. particulary qualified labor. the Leal Senado encountered great difficulties in introducing the new system. These. together with other problems such as bureaucracy and inefficient management, poor co-operation and coordination among the departments of the organization, intensified the difficulties in executing the system. Generally, all those involved in the adoption of this hi-tech package are not professionals in technology. They have neither the technological background nor the experience in managing or operating technology. Decision-making was not properly done and the implementation was not carefully planned. In addition, the operational labor had not received enough training and practice for the new system. Not only the operational labor. but also the organization was not fully prepared for the organizational change induced by the technological change, which was not welcomed whole-heartedly by the workers on the one hand and received no support from other departments on the other. Owing to the historical factor, the educational factor as well as the cultural factor, the citizens of Macau do not accept technological changes so readily. As the Leal Senado failed to promote the new system to its customers - the drivers, the owners of vehicles before it was introduced to the public, the latter was not prepared for the change too. They were not educated to recognize the usefulness of the new system to guarantee road safety. As a result, they rejected the technology and criticized the organization where problems arose. Due to poor preparation and management of the technology. a lot of problems occurred. to the surprise of the top management and the public. The Leal Senado faced great pressure and worked painfully in sorting a way out. Moreover. it has to pay highly for the cost of maintenance and repairs, not to mention the time loss in waiting for these services. As a result, during the first year of operation, these computerized inspection lines were entirely unable to function to their full capacity, suffering from frequent break-downs and errors. Also, the standard of inspection was obliged to change from time to time to please the angry and demanding customers. Through in-depth interviews and a comparison between the case of Macau and that of Portugal in the introduction of technology, this research seeks to answer the general question as to whether organizations that do not have adequate technological background should adopt the latest technology, or rather, make strategic choices to adopt what is more suitable for it to manage, with regard to operation capability. Financial constrains human resources and so on. Moreover, this choice should take into account the organizational culture and social value, venturing to meet the requirements and satisfaction of the customers. The last element should always be the principal goal of government departments.

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Lam, U Tong


Faculty of Business Administration


Department of Management and Marketing




Management -- Information services

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