UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
The relationship between emotional satisfaction and loyalty : the case of Macao's female consumers'role orientations
- English Abstract
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Abstract Empirical evidence concerning the relationship between loyalty and satisfaction has remained relatively equivocal in the consumer behavior literature. In this thesis, the relationship between emotional satisfaction and loyalty is examined through depicting the behaviors of five female consumers of skin lotion or cosmetic products in Macao. Five female role orientations (family orientation, societal consciousness, submissiveness, traditional orientation, and socioeconomic independence) as well as the role of positive emotion (happy, hopeful, surprised) in customer satisfaction were considered in the satisfaction-loyalty relationship. Qualitative research was conducted three-phase interview (Phase 1 - pre-purchase interview, Phase 2 - shopping with consumers, Phase 3 - post-purchase interview) to explore the female consumer buying behaviors, selection processes and decision-making processes. After analyzing the interview and observation data, a non-relationship between positive emotion and satisfaction, and loyalty was found. The study has gained a better understanding of the female role orientation’s influence on positive emotion and loyalty. It is hoped that the findings will make a modest contribution and will be useful for further research.
- Issue date
- Author
Cheang, Cheng I
- Faculty
Faculty of Business Administration
- Department
Department of Management and Marketing
- Degree
- Subject
Women consumers -- Macau
Women consumers -- Psychology
Consumer behavior -- Macau
- Supervisor
Noronha Carlos
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000161599706306