
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


澳門多語現象研究 = Multilinguism : the case of Macau

English Abstract

The multilinguistic set-up is the camier of multiculturalism in Macau. This thesis is a study of the linguistic evolution under the age-old influence of foreign languages and its interactions with culture and society, and an analysis of the special characteristics in language use in Macau at both the micro- and macro-levels. After-effects from the colonial era in language use, especially as reflected in the foreignization of the Chinese language and substandard deviations, are found in both official documents and everyday speech, which directly affects the establishment of the Chinese language as an official language of Macau and the normal communications in social and political life. This paper aims to point out the direction for wholesome language planning and development in Macau by adopting linguistic theories to analyze and compare samples of Creole, patois, colloquialism and of the language used in official documents. Every effort has been made to attain these objectives: 1.a good knowledge of the history of the multilingual formation of Macau and its present scenario; 2. a deep understanding of the role of Macau as a "window" and "bridge" in linguistic exchanges between China and other countries; 3. a grasp of the nature and rules governing the use of Creole, patois, slang and of the language used in Chinese written documents; and 4. a developmental vision regarding the norms and styles for the language of official documents.

Chinese Abstract

澳門的多元語言,是澳門多元文化的載體。本文首先探索澳門語言長期在外來語言影響下的發展、演變以及與澳門社會、文化的互動關係,從宏觀和微觀的不同角度分析澳門語言的特殊性。 澳門的民間語言和公文語言都存在殖民地後遺症,其中以非漢化現象和語體不規範的現象最爲嚴重,直接影響中文官方地位的尊嚴,並影社會生活和行政運作的正常開展。因此,本文以語言學的理論,對混雜語言、土生語言、流行俗語和公文語言進行分析和比較,從而揭示澳門語言規劃和語言健康發展的路向。 本文力求:(1)認識澳門多元語言形成的歷史和現狀;(2)認識澳門作中外語言交流的“窗口”和“橋樑”的作用;(3)分析混雜語言、土生語言、澳門流行俗語和中文公文語言的實質和規律;(4)以發展的眼光探討當前公文語言應有的規範和風格。

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Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities


Department of Chinese




Multilingualism -- Macau

多語種主義 -- 澳門



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