
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)



English Abstract

The purpose of this study was to design an assertion training ( AT ) group guidance for primary six students in Macao, explore the effects of AT on self-concept of primary six students and to know if primary six students accept this AT group guidance. The measure of this study was “Elementary School Students Self-concept Scale”. Twenty four primary six students were the subjects, including twelve boys and twelve girls. The subjects were divided into experimental group and controlled group by random assignment. There were six boys and six girls in experimental group, and then six boys and six girls in controlled group. The study employed the pretest-posttest equivalent-group experimental design. The experimental group was treated by AT group guidance ten sessions in ten weeks, but the controlled group was not given any treatments. All the subjects were measured by “Elementary School Students Self-concept Scale” before、after and one month after AT group guidance. In the Study, group guidance was independent variables, and self-concept was dependent variables. The data analyzed by paired-sampes t-test and one-way analysis of covariance and the pretest become covariance. Moreover, the study also collected feedback from the mumbers of experimental group and their parence. The findings of the study indicated the following: (1) In immediate phrase, by paired-sampes t-test , there was significant influence in hole self-consept family self-consept and emotion self-consept. By paired-sampes t-test and one-way analysis of covariance and the pretest, there was significant influence in hole self-consept and physical self-consept. There was no significant influence in school self-consept and appearance self-consept. (2) In maintaining phrase, there was no significant influence in hole self-consept and family, school, appearance, physical and emotion self-consept. (3) This AT group guidance was accepted by the mumbers of experimental group. Thesis conclusion included some practical suggestions in accordance to the findings: (1) Teachers, parents and counsel should work together (2) Choose suitable counseling time (3) Modify AT group guidance (4) Design special group guidance only focas to family, school, appearance, physical or emotion self-consept (5) Organize a counseling tearn There were also some suggestions about research design, subjects, research tools, counseling and research approach for further research uses. Key Words : assertion training, self-concept, primary six students

Chinese Abstract

本研究根據相關文獻編擬一套適合本澳小六學生之自我肯定訓練課程,探討此自我肯定訓練課程對提升小六學生自我概念的立即性及持續性效果,以及此課程是否被小六學生所接受,並根據研究結果,提出具體建議,以供後續研究之參考。 本研究採用前測-後測等組實驗設計,選取澳門氹仔某學校小學六年級學生共24 名(男女各半) 為研究對象,隨機分成兩組。先對兩組學生用「國小自我概念量表」進行前測,並經 T 檢驗考證兩組前測分數沒有差異,再將前測平均分較低的一組定為實驗組,另一組定為控制組。實驗組接受每週一次,每次九十分鐘,共十次之自我肯定訓練課程。控制組不接受任何實驗處理。 本研究以「自我肯定訓練課程」為自變項,以「國小自我概念量表」的得分為依變項,通過前測、後測及追蹤測,並通過成對樣本 T 檢驗及獨立樣本單因子共變量分析,來考驗實驗處理後之立即輔導效果及追蹤輔導效果。此外,亦通過學生及家長之回饋資料,分析自我肯定訓練課程是否為小六學生所接受。 本實驗研究之結論如下 : (一) 在 T 檢驗上,自我肯定訓練對小六學生整體自我概念及家庭自我概念、情緒自我概念具有顯著的立即性輔導效果 ; 在單因子共變量分析上,自我肯定訓練對小六學生整體自我概念及身體自我概念有顯著的立即性輔導效果 ; 而在學校自我概念及外貌自我概念方面均不具有顯著的立即性輔導效果 ; (二) 在T和檢驗及獨立樣本單因子共變量分析上,自我肯定訓練對小六學生整體自我概念、家庭自我概念、學校自我概念、外貌自我概念、身體自我概念及情緒自我概念均不具有顯著的持續性輔導效果。 (三) 自我肯定訓練課程得到實驗組成員及家長的接受及肯定。 最後,根據研究發現,提出五項在輔導實務工作上之建議 : (一) 老師、家長及輔導人員密切配合 (二) 選擇適當輔導時段 (三) 修正自我肯定訓練團體方案 (四) 針對自我概念各層面,分別設計輔導課程 (五) 組織輔導團際 並就實驗設計、研究對象、研究工具、輔導內容與方式及研究方法,提出對未來研究的一些建議。 關鍵詞:自我肯定訓練、自我概念、小六學生

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Faculty of Education




Assertiveness training


Assertiveness (Psychology)

自信心 (心理學)

Self-perception in children


School children -- Macau -- Psychology

學童 -- 澳門 -- 心理



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