UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
- English Abstract
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By reviewing and analyzing the process of the development of Non-State-owned Enterprise in Shunde, the present thesis elaborates upon the current problems and their corresponding countermeasures. The research proposes that in the process of the development of Non-State-owned enterprises in Shunde, there are some problems such as implicit property rights, unreasonable structure, out-date technical equipments and inadequate management etc. In order to adapt to the buyer's market and increase its competitiveness, Shunde must, based on reforming the property right system, employ different methods in accordance with different features of individual enterprises and evolve toward the goal of maintaining the explicit property right with multiple parties of investment while successfully implementing the task of restructuring. As is known to all, technical innovation is the major push to economic progress, and therefore, great efforts must be made to facilitate the development of technical progress in these enterprises by improving and introducing technologies and integrating them into current industry through study and research; moreover, this research holds that benefits can be obtained from the TQM(Total Quality management) for Shunde Non-state-owned enterprises. Key words: Shunde; Non-state-owned Enterprises; Property rights; Modern enterprises
- Chinese Abstract
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本文通過對中國大陸廣東省佛山市順德區(不同時期亦稱懸、市)民營企業發展現狀的考察、分析,提出了順德民營企業在新的發展時期存在的問題和對策,指出順德民營企業在發展中存在著産權不清晰、結構不合理、技術裝備水平低、管理薄弱等問題。爲了更好地適應市場經濟,增強自身的競爭能力,文章建議在社會經濟環境進一步改善的條件下 ,面對中國大陸加入WTO後國際國內新環境的變化,順德民營企業須從產權制度改革入手,根據每個企業的特點採用不同方式 ,朝著產權清晰、投資主體多元化方向發展;文章還建議抓好結構調整這項關鍵工作,指出結構調整要與國家産業政策、城鎮化建設、農業產業化發展、第三産業發展相結合。文章最後指出,技術創新是經濟增長的主要推動力量,要從改進、引進、産學研結合入手推進民營企業技術進步,從抓好民營企業的全面質量管理中提高效益。 【關鍵字】 順德;民營企業;產權;現代企業制度
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
- Department
Department of Sociology
- Degree
- Subject
Strategic planning -- China -- Shun Te (Kuang Tung Province)
策略規劃 -- 中國 -- 順德 (廣東省)
Business enterprises -- China -- Shun Te (Kuang Tung Province)
企業 -- 中國 -- 順德 (廣東省)
Private companies -- China -- Shun Te (Kuang Tung Province)
私營公司 -- 中國 -- 順德 (廣東省)
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991000147629706306