
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


馮延巳"陽春集"研究 = A study of Feng Yansi's "The Collection of Yang Chun"

English Abstract

Feng Yinsi(馮延巳)(903-960), another name Zhengzhong(正中), is a native of Guang Ling(廣陵).His collection Yang Chun(《陽春集》) has now existed. The lyric Yang Chun cannot only inherit but also innovate. Critics actually think that his lyrics develop the litreary style in North Song Dynasty.(開北宋一代風氣) The lyricists of the early Song Dynasty- Yan Shu(晏殊) and Ouyang Xiu (欧陽修) are greatly influenced by it. Yan Shu is the predecessor of the lyricists in North Song Dynasty(北宋倚聲家初祖) while Ouyang Xiu has some great stylisic influence on SuShi(蘇軾) and also deep emtional impact on Qing Xiaoyou(秦少游)(疏雋開子瞻,深婉開少游). They together initiate the development of lyrics in Song Dynasty. Feng Yinsi must have made some great influence, so serves our studies. This thesis will further analyse the lyric Yang Chun, in order to master the meaning of its inheritance and innovation. It is hoped that the value and significance of the lyric Yang Chun will be further confirmed on the basis of deeper and clearer understanding. The first chapter is introduction, which is based on predecessors’ criticisms, general research situations and research motives. The second chapter discusses historical background and lyric works. According to (1)the political and literary situations in South Tang Dynasty, (2) the origins and development of lyrics and (3) Feng's life and works, this chapter will explain the lyric Yang Chun's background, which will then become the basis of the analysis below. The third chapter will be the lyric Yang Chun's categorization. After background analysis, the lyric Yang Chun will be divided into three categories, which will form a preliminary understanding of the lyric. The fouth chapter is the examination of the lyric Yang Chun, the gist of this thesis. First, Feng's lyrics will be examined in terms of their surface and deep meanings. Second, 'The world of Feng's lyrics’ will explore the reasons for the greatness of his world, in order to unveil the mysteries of Feng's unique status among the flowers (花間). It is because the distinct difference between the world of Feng's lyrics and among the flower's lyrics, which is the focus of our discussion in the 2ⁿᵈ part. Third, it discusses Yan Shu and Ouyang Xiu's influence on the lyric Yang Chun. Based on the analyses above, we can better confirm Feng Yinsi's innovation in the history of the lyrics. The fifth chapter concludes the main points of each chapter.

Chinese Abstract

馮延巳(九零三——九六零年)字正中,廣陵人。有《陽春集》一卷傳世。 陽春詞既能承先,又能啟後。論者以為「開北宋一代風氣」。北宋初期詞壇人物——晏殊、歐陽修受其影響尤巨。晏、歐二人,一為「北宋倚聲家初祖,一則「疏雋開子瞻,深婉開少游」,為宋词發展的起點。馮延已於期間,確實產生一定作用,值得研究。 為掌握陽春詞的承創關係,本文擬對其加以剖析,期望在更為透徹深入和更為清晰具體的理解基礎上,進一步確定其價值與影響。 本文首章為緒論。評介前人對陽春词的看法,概述現今研究情况及交待本人研究動機。 第二章為生平事蹟與歌詞創作。從五代、特别是南唐的政治、文化背景,词體源起和流變,以及延已生平和創作三個方面,闡述陽春詞產生背景,並為下文的分析定下基調。 第三章為詞作分類。在掌握背景資料後,将其分為三大類,以期達致初步體會。 第四章為詞作論析,為本論文重點所在。第一部份以表層意義及深層意義兩個不同的層面加以剖析。第二部份集中探討「堂廡」問题。在詞史上,開創的意義尤勝於繼承,陽春詞如何在「花間」之旁自立門户,「開北宋一代風氣」, 這是由於其堂廡和「花間」有着明顯不同,而這不同之處,便是第二部份所要重點探討的。第三部份分析陽春词對宋初詞壇的影響,期望透過這部份的闡闡釋,更能確定馮延巳在詞史上的開創之功。 第五章為結束語,為各章重點的歸納和總結。

Issue date





Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities


Department of Chinese




Feng, Yen-ssu, -- 903-960. -- Yang chun chi

馮延巳, -- 903-960. -- 陽春集

Feng, Yen Ssu, -- 903-960 -- Criticism and interpretation

馮延巳, -- 903-960 -- 評論及解釋

Ci (Chinese poetry) -- History and criticism

詞 (中國詩詞) -- 歷史及評論



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