UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
文學與氣候之關係研究 : 論氣候對中國文學家的生命意識之影響
- English Abstract
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This thesis studies the relationship between literature and climate, especially on climate's influence on writers' life consciousness. The Chinese literary critics Liu Xie and Zhong Rong in the 6th century and the French critic Madame de Stael in the 19th century once mentioned the influence of climate over literature. However, they didn't explore the issues of how climate influences literature, or in which aspects or when it happens. This thesis puts forwards ideas that it is by means of influencing the writer's life consciousness that climate influences the writer's choice of living and writing environment, the writers' temperament and writing style, the writers' inspiration, as well as the theme, characters and landscapes of the literary works. The Preface reviews the relevant literature, and presents the Key research questions, methods as well as significance of the thesis. The thesis is divided into two parts. Part one is on climate's influence on writers, including climate's influence on writers' life consciousness, the influence of the diversity of climate on the distribution and migration of writers, the influence of climate on the writer's inspiration. Part two is on the climate's influence on literary works, such as on the change of literary figures' moods, characters and fates as well as the relationship between the diversity of climate and the diversity of landscapes in literary works. The Appendix is about the features of climate in Lingnan and its influence on writers and literary works from Lingnan.
- Chinese Abstract
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本文以文學與氣候之關係為研究對象,重點研究氣候對文學家的生命意識之影響。中國六世紀的批評家劉勰和鍾嶸、法國十九世紀的批評家斯達爾夫人曾經提到氣候對文學的影響,但是他們都沒有回答氣候是如何影響文學的,又影響到文學的哪些方面。本文認為:氣候是通過影響文學家的生命意識了影響文學的,並且主要影響到文學家對環境的選擇、文學家的氣質與風格、文學家的靈感發機制,進而影響到文學作品的主題、人物與內部景觀等。 緒論部分,綜述前人的有關言論,說明本文的性質、所要解決的問題、思路、方法及意義。論文分為上下兩篇,上篇為氣候對文學家之影響,具體論述氣候對文學家的生命意識之影響、氣候的差異性對文學家的發佈與遷徙之影響、氣候對文學家的氣質與風格之影響、氣候與文學家的靈感發機制。下篇為氣候對文學作品之影響,具體論述氣候對文學作品主題之影響、氣候的變化與文學人物的心情、性格及命運之變化、氣候的差異性與文學內部景觀的差異性。附錄部分,探討嶺南的氣候特點及其對嶺南文學家與文學作品的影響。
- Issue date
- Author
- Faculty
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities (former name: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities)
- Department
- Department of Chinese Language and Literature (former name: Department of Chinese)
- Degree
- Subject
Chinese literature -- History and criticism
Authors, Chinese
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991007529199706306