UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)
- Title
澳門幼兒 "音樂聽解能力" 研究 = A study on the music audiation ability for kindergarten children in Macao
- English Abstract
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This study aims at investigating the music audiation ability of kindergarten children from K1 to K3 in Macao, China and further discusses the relation between the gender and grade differences. There were 121 kindergarten children participated in the study, and Edwin E. Gordon’s Primary Measures of Music Audiation (PMMA) for kindergarten children was used as a research tool. The data were analyzed by using the statistic methods, such as factor analysis, Cronbach α reliability analysis, and also to find out the mean, standard deviation, the highest score and the lowest score. The studies found the following: 1. Children’s tonal audiation abilities were better than rhythm audiation abilities, and their scores of both the tonal, rhythm and composite audiation abilities were even better than American children; 2. In the relation between audiation abilities and grades, researcher found that children’s music audiation abilities increased in direct proportion to the grades, it indicates that the higher children’s grades were, the higher their music audiation ability scores were; 3. In the relation between audiation abilities and gender, the result showed that girls’ music audiation abilities were better than boys in general; however, in the K1 and K3 class, there were no significant differences between boys and girls, but in K2 class, girls’ music audiation abilities were significantly higher than boys; 4. It was found that PMMA is suitable for kindergarten children in Macao, it also showed that tonal test was easier and had a higher discrimination than rhythm test. At last, researcher brought up some recommendation for teacher and further research according to the results.
- Chinese Abstract
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本研究旨在探討澳門幼兒「音樂聽解能力」之現況,以及瞭解幼兒「音 樂聽解能力」與年級和性別之關係,研究者使用美國音樂教育家 Edwin E. Gordon 之「初級音樂聽解測量」(PMMA),使研究能公平和專業地評量幼 兒之「音樂聽解能力」。本研究以就讀於澳門某幼稚園 121 位 K1 至 K3 之幼 兒為研究對象,Gordon 所編製之 PMMA 為研究工具,蒐集資料後以平均數、 標準差、最高分及最低分、Cronbach α 信度分析、以及項目分析等方法分析 數據。 研究發現如下:一、澳門幼兒之「音調聽解能力」比「節奏聽解能力」 為佳,並且澳門幼兒不論在「音調聽解能力」、「節奏聽解能力」及「綜合聽 解能力」上都較美國幼兒為佳;二、在幼兒「音樂聽解能力」與年齡及性別 之關係上發現,幼兒的「音調聽解能力」、「節奏聽解能力」及「綜合聽解能 力」均隨年級上升而成正比,顯示幼兒之「音樂聽解能力」隨年紀增長而進 步;三、在幼兒之「音樂聽解能力」與性別之關係上,研究顯示整體女童在 「音調聽解能力」、「節奏聽解能力」及「綜合聽解能力」上均較男童為佳; 但就分級而言,在 K1 與 K3 級中,男童與女童之間的能力沒有明顯的差異, 而在 K2 級中,女童的「音樂聽解能力」則明顯高於男童;四、在 PMMA 對於澳門幼兒的適用性方面,就內部一致性、效度及項目分析發現,PMMA 為一份適用於澳門 K1 至 K3 幼兒的音樂性向測驗,「音調測驗」較「節奏測 驗」為容易而且鑑別度較高。最後,研究者針對研究結果對教學人員及未來 之研究提出建議。 關鍵詞:幼兒、音樂聽解能力、音樂測量
- Issue date
- Author
Aguiar, Juliana Andrade de
- Faculty
Faculty of Education
- Degree
- Subject
Music -- Instruction and study -- Macau
音樂 -- 指導及學習 -- 澳門
Early childhood education -- Activity programs -- Macau
幼兒教育 (嬰兒至初級小學) -- 活動課程 -- 澳門
- Supervisor
- Files In This Item
- Location
- 1/F Zone C
- Library URL
- 991007408869706306