Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)
Title arrow_drop_up | Author | Year |
A memoir of Mrs. Henrietta Shuck the first American female missionary to China |
Jeter, Jeremiah Bell, | 1850 |
Among the Tibetans |
Bird, Isabella | 2014 |
Court life in China the capital, its officials and people |
Headland, Isaac Taylor, | 1909 |
Everlasting pearl one of China's women |
Johannsen, Anna Magdalena | 1913 |
Hung Lou Meng, or The dream of the red chamber a Chinese novel in two books |
曹雪芹, | 1893 |
Letters from China : with particular reference to the Empress Dowager and the women of China |
Conger, Sarah Pike,author | 1910 |
Missions to the women of China (in connexion with the Society for promoting female education in the East) |
Silvani, Anita F.,author | 1866 |
Notable women of modern China |
Burton, Margaret E. | 1912 |
Old highways in China |
Williamson., Isabelle | 1884 |
Pagoda shadows studies from life in Chinese |
Fielde, Adele | 1887 |
Showing 1 to 10 of 15 results