Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)
Title arrow_drop_up | Author | Year |
Ó meu coração torna para trás |
Pessanha, Camilo,autor | 1920 |
Établissement portugais de Macao : Chine |
Choński, Henryk Edward,auteur | 1850 |
Almanach luso-chinez de Macau para o anno de 1866. |
1866 | |
An historical sketch of the Portuguese settlements in China and of the Roman Catholic Church and mission in China : a supplementary chapter description of the city of Canton |
Ljungstedt, Anders,author | 1836 |
Bibliographical and historical description of the rarest books in the Oliveira Lima collection at the Catholic University of America |
1926 | |
Caminho |
Pessanha, Camilo,autor | 1887 |
Cartas escriptas da India e da China : nos annos de 1815 a 1835 |
Andrade, José Ignacio de,autor | 1840 |
Clepsidra |
Pessanha, Camilo,autor | 1916 |
Diccionario portuguez-china : no estilo vulgar mandarim e classico geral |
Gonçalves, Joaquim Affonso,autor. | 1831 |
Dicionário de portuguez-tétum |
Silva, Sebastião Maria Aparício da,autor | 1889 |
Showing 1 to 10 of 25 results