Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)
Philosophy, Chinese
Title arrow_drop_up | Author | Year |
Chinese philosophy an exposition of the main characteristic features of Chinese thought |
Carus, Paul, | 1902 |
Chuang Tzü : Taoist philosopher and Chinese mystic |
莊子,author | 1926 |
Chuang Tzu : mystic, moralist, and social reformer |
莊子,author | 1889 |
Essays on the history, philosophy, and religion of the Chinese |
Martin, W. A. P. | 1894 |
Histoire des croyances religieuse et des opinions philosophiques en Chine : depuis l'origine, jusqu'à nous jours |
Wieger, Léon,author | 1922 |
History of Chinese political thought during the early Tsin period by Qichao Liang |
Liang, Chì-chào,author | 1869 |
Oriental religions and their relation to universal religion : China |
Johnson, Samuel,auhor | 1877 |
The prologomena to the Chinese classics of Confucius and Mencius |
Legge, James,author | 1907 |
The Chinese classical work commonly called the Four Books |
孔子,author | 1828 |
The Chinese their education, philosophy, and letters |
Martin, W. A. P. | 1881 |
Showing 1 to 10 of 16 results