Books on China Online, 16th – Early 20th Century (早期中國研究選輯, 十六至二十世紀初)
Emperor of China,
Title arrow_drop_up | Author | Year |
Istoria de l'Imperador de la Cina presentata al re di Francia |
Bouvet, Joachim,autore | 1710 |
Jesuit adventure in China : during the reign of K'ang Hsi |
Hibbert, Eloise Talcott,author | 1941 |
Leben des Kaisers Taokuang : Memoiren des Hofes zu Peking und Beiträge zu der Geschichte Chinas ... |
Gützlaff, Karl Friedrich August,autor | 1852 |
The life of Taou-Kwang, late Emperor of China : with memoirs of the court of Peking : including a sketch of the principal events in the history of the Chinese empire during the last fifty years |
Gutzlaff, Karl Friedrich August,author | 1852 |
The marriage of the emperor of China, at Peking on the 16th October, 1872 from the Chinese |
Fay, L. M. | 1872 |