Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)
- Author
- Medeiros, Ephraim Ferreira ;Kwon, Jong Yoo;Wung, Seok Cha
- Title
- Emotions, Qi, and pain:The treatment of Qi Pain(氣痛)in the chapter 30th of the Saamdoinchimguyogyeol《舍岩道人鍼灸要訣-諸氣痛門》by acupuncture and moxibustion.
- Journal Name
- 澳門中醫藥雜誌(ISSN:2219-777X)
- Pub. Info
- 2020年12月, 第21期, pp. 102-108
- Abstract
- Paragraph Headings: 1. Beyond the "Four Acupoints" Technique 2. Final Considerations Tables: 1. Typical ‘Saam style’ acupoint combinations in chapter 30 of the Saamdoinchimguyogyeol 《舍岩道人鍼灸要訣 - 諸氣痛門》