
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Chan, David
Caring of SARS patients in ICU - Hong Kong Experience
Journal Name
Pub. Info
2003年9月26日, Vol.3, No.3, pp. 180-185
Abstract : There was an outbreak of a new type of atypical pneumonia in early March 2003 in Hong Kong. Many people contracted this disease, and many of them required the admission to Intensive Care Unit for close observatioon and management. This articale hopes to share the experience about how nurses take care of SARS patients in an ICU in Hong Kong. Paragraph Headings: 1. Severe acute respiratory syndrome 2. Experience of caring SARS patients in ICU 2.1. Maintain adequate oxygenation 2.2. Monitor neurological fumction 2.3. Maintain normal fluid and electrolytes 2.4. Maintain adequate nutrition 2.5. Maintain normal exctetion function 2.6. Ensure patient comfort and improve communication 2.7. Ensure adequate skin & immune protection 2.8. Ensure adequate rest & activity 2.9. Maintain basic endocrine function 2.10. Monitor the psychological status 3. Conclusion