
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Date Publish Info
Global trends of artificial intelligence-assisted colonoscopy in the last 20 years: a bibliometric analysis
Chen, Bing Hong;Ng, Hoi Ioi;Ke, Yan;Zhang, Wei;Wang, Gui Qi 第11卷第1期, pp. 3-17
Globalance in international finance ethics
Stückelberger, Christoph No. 7, pp. 124-130
Globalization and its impact on international law: towards an international rule of law?
Castro, Paulo Canelas de No.20, pp. 223-282
Globalization and the civil law tradition
Tong, Io Cheng No.20, pp. 215-222
Globalization and the traffickiing in human beings(The tragic Pendulum of History and the Penal Law)
Costa, Jose de Faria No.4, 第93-106頁
Globalization of HRM: From the viewpoint of education-training of local staffs employed in China by Japanese firms
Mochimaru, Kuniko Vol.12, No.1, pp. 57-66
Globalizing law in a globalizing world
Behr, Volker Vol.1, No.2, pp. 108-113
Rio, Mario AA 第3期, 第67-69頁
文劍明;葉玉清;黃香婷;陳建勇;韋潔貞;冼麗芳 總第22期, 第9卷第1期, 第3-5頁
梅菠;黎裕忠;楊冬梓 第3卷第3期, 第177-179頁

Showing 2801 to 2810 of 57238 results