
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Date Publish Info
Clinical remission from treatment dilemma of CMV colitis with ganciclovir use in a critical ill elderly immunocompetent patient
Lei Mio Tim ; Ng Ka Kei 總第46期, 第22卷第1期, 第70-71頁
Co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders in patients admitted to a psychiatric ward in Macao
Duarte, Carlos; Wong, Fai; Lao, Im Wai Vol.8, No.2, pp. 105-108
Coaching - Definition and myths
Tang, Brian No. 85, pp. 44-46
Codifications in the Western legal tradition
Castellucci, Ignazio No.17, pp. 45-63
Coexistence and seeking common ground while reserving differences: A core factor of Chinese traditional thought
Ieong, Sao Leong, Ieong, Wan Chong No.19, pp. 161-188
Collaborative language teaching and learning in local secondary English education: project-based learning
San, Pek Leng Charity No.60, pp. 42-47
Collective sales as a legal instrument of urban policy in Singapore
Teo, Keang Sood No.37, pp. 115-125
Coloane old village rehabilitation
Castro, Catarina Sande e, Chang, Ping Hung Wallace, Pinheiro, Francisco Vizeu 第10/11期, 第24頁
Combinative treatment of iliac stenting with profundoplasty for critical extremity ischemia
Liu, Changwei; Zheng, Yuehong; Guan, Heng; Li, Yongjun; Liu, Bao; Ye, Wei Vol.7, No.3, pp. 168-170
Combined western and Chinese medicine with comprehensive multi-disciplinary management for diabetes
Biffin, Ping;Wu, Joshua;Kang, Timothy 第26期, pp. 85-88

Showing 2411 to 2420 of 57238 results