
Macau Periodical Index (澳門期刊論文索引)

Journal Name: 澳門研究

Holdings: 創刊號 (Jun 1988), no.1 (Sep 1993) - no.112 (Oct 2024)

Title arrow_drop_up Author Journal Name Date
English language teaching in macau:Sharing, reflecting and innovating
Leong, Sao Leng 澳門研究 Mar. 2003
Enhancing quality tourist experience in Macau world heritage site
Cheng, I Man; Wan, Yim King 澳門研究 Apr. 2008
Environmental awareness and initiatives amongst hotels in Macau
Wan, Yim King, Penny 澳門研究 Feb. 2008
Explore resources and integrate wisdom
Ieong, Wan Chong, Tang, On Kei, Iong, Hoi Sun 澳門研究 Oct. 2004
Family, school and attitudes toward delinquency as correlates of school juvenile delinquency in Macau
Choi, Cheong; Li, Siu-pang; Wong, Siu-man 澳門研究 Nov. 1995
Grade retention and educational expectation: a study of 15-year-old high school students in Macau
Ho, Tin Lai, Chong, Kin 澳門研究 Aug. 2008
Historical documents of Macau, Canton and the Pearl River Delta, 1700-1842
Dyke, Paul A Van 澳門研究 Dec. 2009
How Macau college students explore the media
Yang, Ling 澳門研究 Apr. 2008
How much you know about your employees?
Chan, Ka Wai 澳門研究 Mar. 2003
Humanistic science education for the inculcation of societal values and environmental consciousness in adolescents of Macau
Cheung, K C 澳門研究 Nov. 1995

Showing 131 to 140 of 2154 results